If I don't get proper sleep I'm going to go crazy - Comments

  • I know it may sound like a bunch of hippy-nonsense but you should look into aromatherapy. I used to have really strange sleeping schedules, and now that I'm out starting again, but buy a few lavender/chamomile scented candles and some lavender/chamomile body-wash/soap/bath bomb. They really help relaxing your body and everything.
    February 11th, 2013 at 02:05pm
  • Try doing more in your day. I used to have a weird work schedule which meant I'd do little during the day and work late evenings and into the night. I always had trouble falling asleep. But since I started working mornings, I get up at about 4 to go for a run. Go to work at 6.30, go to the gym after work. And by about 9-10 I'm absolutely wrecked. So if you're not doing much during the day, try doing more.
    February 11th, 2013 at 09:10am