I'm really excited! + Tips for JOB interviews? - Comments

  • @ Usako
    Yeah, I went to buy slacks the other day for the interview :)
    Thank you so much for the advice! You're the best!
    February 13th, 2013 at 03:43am
  • As for behavior, make sure you shake the interviewers hand if you can, keep eye contact, and maintain good posture. It shows that you are interested and attentive to what is at hand. Ask questions of your own (EG: "How many hours are we looking at?" "What is dress code?"); try to avoid "How much am I getting paid" questions though. If they ask situation questions like "What would you do in this situation" maybe ask after you answer, "What would you suggest if this is not acceptable?"

    For clothing, I would go something business casual. Sleeves, slacks, dresses, and skirts. No jeans. Keep makeup professional looking. I guess, just basically dress to impress.
    February 13th, 2013 at 03:32am