Tablets Vs. Textbooks? Opinions, anyone? - Comments

  • I personally feel that putting all the learning material (textbooks and work sheets) into a tablet or any other electronic device is actually really really expensive. I mean in terms of lessening the weight in a kid's backpack, it seems like a good idea, but it's a bad one overall because of what you said, but also because kids could easily pretend to be doing their homework when really they would be on the internet or something through their ipads, kindle fires, and tablets and stuff. I think I would much rather have the physical learning material in opposed to tablets. I mean maybe giving off notes through e-books and stuff isn't bad, but not the entire learning curriculum. I think not only kids, but adults and teens, too, are becoming entirely reliant/dependent on technology to do everything for them and people wonder why the overall test scores and grades of schools across America are slowly decreasing.
    February 16th, 2013 at 12:59am
  • I don't think it's a terrible idea, in all honesty. With my classes, I have multiple college-sized text books and I wouldn't want to carry them around. But at the same time, who would be responsible for charging them, students? And at the same time, some kids do better reading things on paper than on tablets or computers. I mean, I own a tablet and I love it, but I see the pros and cons of it.
    February 16th, 2013 at 12:58am