I find it annoying that you find it annoying. - Comments

  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    Since my Mibba won't let me click the reply button to each of your individual comments at the moment, I'll just reply here.

    To gothique 4. I really agree with that. I'll agree that when someone recommends a story that hasn't even been started, that's kind of eccentric. Sure the author might be trying to get people excited for the story, it's just hard to get into if there's nothing there but a title and a short summary.

    Synful Shadows. Not all stories have to be solely about sex either I don't think. Some stories that stretch on for many chapters that only contain sex in everyone gets pretty tired and overplayed. There's nothing to look for to ya know? I love my fair share of smut, but I also like there to be a story line and verbal relationships between the characters.

    To Damsel Of Darkness. It is hard to be a writer these days and try to come up with something original, especially since it seems that almost every idea has been done and if it hasn't, people won't give it a chance because they assume it's the same as some other story right away. I love realism in stories and if people don't like me for that, tough. >=)

    To Angelina Shadows. Thanks girl for the support!
    February 16th, 2013 at 06:34pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Synful Shadows:
    I would personally like some more original plot lines though, I try to make mine as original as I can. I also would like to see stories that aren't just sex too.
    Totally agree with that. Although I'd be personally happy if stories would just make an original twist on what could be considered an over-used plot. That makes a difference, too.

    But yeah, I agree with this blog. Whilst I'm not a big fan of the kidnapper plot, there are some good stories with that plot-line. As long as a writer can make it their own, that's all that matters. So don't feel pressure to change your plot to suit readers... personally I find the more realism in stories, the better. It makes it more believable Smile
    February 16th, 2013 at 08:28am
  • Synful Shadows

    Synful Shadows (100)

    United States
    While I do agree with what you've said, I can't necessarily blame people for getting tired of certain overused plots. It's gotten to the point where I'm tired of certain cliches and tend to avoid them unless one really jumps out at me. I would personally like some more original plot lines though, I try to make mine as original as I can. I also would like to see stories that aren't just sex too.

    However, just because I don't like something doesn't mean I'm going to just outright complain about it, though I can see why people would want to get it off their chests. I really only gripe in private conversations that's only going to be seen by only one other person. There's definitely some overrated authors on here that could use a little constructive criticism, but I just avoid reading their stuff.

    People can complain all they want, but unless they actually give constructive criticism on stories (which honestly can be offputting when the receipient doesn't take it well) , nothing will change. Complaining about it isn't doing much. You also have to just accept that some cliches just won't disappear, and you're better off just avoiding them.
    February 16th, 2013 at 04:42am
  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    I gotta say that I agree with you here. Particularly with the fan fiction genre that I like tor read some plot lines are done to death. Whilst some are very well written I'm getting a little tired of the gangs, being kidnapped as a sex slave, pedophiles who fall for whiny teenage emos, incest, demons etc.

    I'm not the world's greatest writer either but I try to do original plot lines that I haven't seen around before. Sure one of mine is a vampire but I've got the girl as the main protagonist and not the guy.

    I find myself clicking out of stories the minute the little teen emo girl starts to cut herself. I find characters like this annoying as hell. Maybe it's because I'm older but I find characters like this weak.

    There's a few things that I find annoying, and yeah there are some authors on here who are a bit over-rated. I find it amusing when people jump on the bandwagon and recommend stories that haven't even started yet. It's a bit hard to recommend a story without a word written yet it's recommended just because of who the author is. There's an author I used to see a lot, but not so much now, who used to gets heaps of comments of how brilliant her writing was but I found her writing the most godawful I had ever seen.

    Everyone's got their own opinions on what they like but until some of these writers get some honest constructive criticism (which will probably make them go off on a rant) things probably won't change much
    February 16th, 2013 at 04:21am
  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    I so agree with this!
    February 16th, 2013 at 03:35am