Rambles and some casual pimping. - Comments

  • rawrtothedinosaur

    rawrtothedinosaur (100)

    United Kingdom

    Haha, and oh I rant all the time believe me!

    In the book Chloe is a character barely mentioned - instead the main bitch is called Bethany ( and she's way worse than chloe in the tv series but obviously the tv chloe is based off of her) They've added quite a lot in as well, Archie is developed off a random character and Trix ( or whatever her name is in the mental institute) isnt mentioned in the book at all.
    February 18th, 2013 at 02:42pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Are you kidding me? That's pretty appalling. I mean, I understand that kids can be scared of things they don't quite understand or sometimes just a bit strange (like how my nephew is scared of black animals. wtf.) but if it were my child I'd try to explain as much as I could about the persons disability. And if they're too young or something then I'd just put a different channel on. Do parents not realize there are 32103 different kids channels? or hey, try reading your kid a book if it's that much of an issue. I'm just in awe people can complain about something that isn't the fault of the person, if she were crap at her job than that's another thing.

    - sorry. Mini rant. I tend to mini rant when it comes to people's ignorance. Especially if it's concerning children who are going to be the next generation.
    I can see why what your cousin said broke your heart! but I'm so glad the kids at his school don't single him out.

    Is Chloe still a bit of a bitch? Maybe it's just me, but she errks me. I'm going to have to add it to my reading list!
    February 18th, 2013 at 01:38am
  • rawrtothedinosaur

    rawrtothedinosaur (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ archipelago.
    Yeah, there are still moments with disability however- like the presenter on Cbeebies who only has the top portion of one of her arms.. and parents ACTUALLY wrote in saying she was scaring their children. ¬.¬ that pissed me off.
    Mainly because I have cousin with exactly the same condition who doesn't like wearing his prosthetic arm (he's 5) and he said, 'I like her because she's like me' and that broke my heart a little because i have NEVER heard of any children at his school doing more than mention his arm in a disinterested way- but sadly I know there is likely to be bullying at points but still...
    But yes, overall mental illness is NEVER to my memory shown without some kind of negativity on TV.

    And ah i finished reading it today! It's very different to the program but after a while you kind of suss out who is based on what book character aha- definately worth a read!
    February 18th, 2013 at 12:31am
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    As far as the portrayal of mental illnesses and disabilities in the media I think disabilities are shown more and dealt with far better than mental illnesses. Maybe this is because they've been 'ok' to discuss openly for longer and we seem to only recently be open to discussing anything to do with mental illness. Hopefully though we're becoming more aware of different conditions and situations. At least, that's what I'd like to believe because it seems the media is finally giving a voice to topics which would have been considered 'risky' a few years ago.

    I don't know if I made any sense there. You summed it up better ha.
    And I actually watch My Mad Fat Diary! I haven't read it though.
    February 18th, 2013 at 12:22am