Bad Things Happened to Me and it's Because I'm a Bad Person in General - Comments

  • Insane Gravity

    Insane Gravity (100)

    United States
    Woah dude, personally I think that your online friends weren't looking out for you. I agree that it wasn't smart that you started dating a guy you didn't know, but I also think it wasn't a good idea to date this Corey guy. I mean, I'm not trying to be cynical but anyway who says "I love you" that fast (in both boys cases) probably doesn't truly mean it. That David kid seemed like he was after something else, and maybe that Corey guy thinks he loves you but my gut says he doesn't truly love you. He likes the idea of loving you or something like that. f Corey truly cared about your well-being, in my opinion he wouldn't have pressured you to leave a guy to go to him. That sounds super unhealthy tbh.

    I honestly think you should separate yourself from both boys, and guys in general, for some time and just focus on yourself. Maybe look more into the "I don't think I am capable of loving" thing. Just make sure YOU are okay first. You are, after all, the priority in your life. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing things you aren't sure of or not okay with. If you can't say no to anyone, or can't stand up for yourself, that may be a sign of low self-esteem. I highly encourage giving yourself some TLC, and making sure that you are okay above everything else.

    I hope everything works out. Best wishes.
    February 18th, 2013 at 08:06am
  • The Zac

    The Zac (100)

    You shouldn't feel responsible for Corey. He seems like a little bitch. If he wanted to ask you out he should have done it sooner. And bugging you for all hours of the night is just such a pussy/beta way of dealing with things.

    About the dude you started dating in like 5 hours. I don't know the full story but it just makes you seem easy. If a girl's worth going for she should be somewhat of a challenge. I'm not perfect, I've had plenty of one night stands and what not but if I'm after a relationship she shouldn't be easy.
    February 18th, 2013 at 05:49am