Important things you should know about me. - Comments

  • I've always really admired how strong and intelligent you are. And also that you know a lot about comic books. Because I've always been way too afraid to try and read any lest I be judged for being a girl trying to get into the whole comic book world. That sounds really lame I know, but it's fucking scary telling people I'm a fan of Lord of The Rings, ASOIAF or Hitchhiker's Guide, because then it's like "Lol but you're a girl you've probably only seen the movies." NO, ACTUALLY. I've read all three series at least twice, thank you. It's hilarious because half the time I know more about the series than they do. And they can just shove off, really.

    1. I have been diagnosed with many different things over the years, and none of the doctors I have seen (and there have been many) have been able to pinpoint exactly what mental illness (or illnesses) I have. I've been on and off medication and in and out of therapy, and every therapist I've seen has either laughed at me for telling them the absolute truth or they have ended their services because they claim I am beyond their abilities to help. I've resorted to an intense hatred for all people in the mental health field because they've all been nothing but rude. I am incredibly unable to control my mental illness, and as much as I would like it not to, it has consumed my entire life. I have lost so many friends because I've been 'too negative'.

    2. I haven't left my home since November. This is related to my mental illness, more specifically the fact that I have gained eighty pounds in a year and a half.

    3. I have so many books in my room that I haven't even read. I have a really intense obsession with books that almost makes me unable to read them lest I damage them in any way. Every book I have read remains exactly as it was when bought even after I've read it.

    4. I think because of my mental illness I have a really hard time shortening my sentences. I have a hard time NOT explaining things until they're absolutely dulled and ugly. This has been my downfall in so many, many ways. Sometimes I'll go on for so long about how horrible my mind has been to me lately and then I'll realize the person I'm talking to really doesn't want to hear about it, and then I'll go on for another century about how sorry I am and how incapable I am of controlling myself, and I get so angry with myself I'll end up smashing my head into the wall until everything stops and I start seeing things and then I'll start hitting my hand into the wall (I've got a bone spur in my wrist because of this, and it's the stupidest kind of injury in the world because there's nothing that can be done about it. It's just supposed to go away, but my problem is I keep worsening it because I can't stop smashing it into the wall).

    5. I am so horrifically alone. I keep telling myself I want to be alone and I do. I really do want to be alone. But it hurts, and sometimes I just feel like I have to do something about it.
    February 19th, 2013 at 01:47pm
  • @ The Real Mitt Romney
    I am flattered that Mitt Romney commented on my blog~
    Also thanks, the tattoo took three hours so thank god it is good quality XD
    February 19th, 2013 at 05:35am
  • Happy face your tattoo is good quality.

    1. Hunter S Thompson is my hero. I don't know what else I would say about that.
    2. I'm not really male or from Russia, but I am the real Mitt Romney. Weird
    3. I overall confused about everything in life and I've accepted that.
    4. For the most part I don't think I ever want to get married, but if I had to marry someone, anyone in the world, I would marry Dan Hardy. And not because of his looks, they're only a plus.
    5. This was very hard for me to do because I don't think there are many important things one needs to know about a 16 year old. Well, sixteen year old to be in a week.
    February 19th, 2013 at 05:09am