It's spelled "Quiet" not "Quite" - Comments

  • i know how you feel, I am far from being a perfectionist (you should see my house) but sometimes little things just get a rise out of me!
    February 21st, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • Definitely and defiantly... Dude what! Autocorrect wouldn't change if you damned well spelt defiNITely correct in the first place! That bugs me to pieces
    February 21st, 2013 at 07:13pm
  • Bless this post.

    Really, it annoys the shit out of me to see those mistakes, especially by people who are native English speakers. I wonder how some of them are even in high school if they can barely even write. It blows my mind to see people from non English speaking countries write better than people from, say, the US.
    February 21st, 2013 at 06:56pm
  • Oh my lord I am so with you on this. I constantly see the your you're thing, and quite and quiet, but the one that absolutely gets me every time is how so many people on Mibba mistake defiantly for definitely. I see this so often I have to wonder if English teachers in schools are just fucktards.

    I've also seen a writer mixing up customer with costumer. I figured the first one I saw was just a typo but then she's done it constantly since then.

    I sometimes have typos - I type pretty fast and sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain but I go through and read it again before I post. The odd one may slip through but sometimes it saddens me how horribly people spell. Hahahaha I nearly typed speel and ruined my whole rant :p
    February 21st, 2013 at 12:57pm
  • It's crazy how much I agree with this.

    Admittedly, I sometimes mix up 'your' and 'you're', but that's only when I'm IM'ing or something, because I'm typing so fast that I don't even think about it. I never do that in stories or anything, and even if I did, it's not hard to revise and edit. It literally takes like five minutes to read over what you just wrote before you post it. The fact that people don't do that, especially if they know they have problems with spelling and grammar, is just aggravating and really a turn-off. There are particular people on this site that I just will not read their work because I know it's going to be filled with errors that could easily have been fixed if they just took a few minutes to reread.

    Honestly, though, I think the spelling mistake I find most annoying is 'definitely' and 'defiantly'. >.> It's just so annoying to read because then I picture the person doing something DEFIANTLY. Lol.
    February 21st, 2013 at 08:49am
  • @ Vixyn Of Syn
    Haha exactly! That's why normally, I never say anything. I know I am far from perfect. It's just sometimes, I can't not express some things lol.
    February 21st, 2013 at 05:35am
  • @ xMandiblesx

    That's how I am, too. And let me add this: it's even more hilarious when someone is lecturing others about mistakes in grammar--and they make a couple of mistakes of their own while calling others idiots. I have a girl on my friends' list who does that quite often. I just laugh every time. One day, I will call her on it, which I wouldn't do, except...she's really hateful about it.
    February 21st, 2013 at 05:23am
  • @ Vixyn Of Syn
    That is a very interesting way to look at it. I try not to ever single anyone out no matter how much something bugs me. I can only imagine what atrocities that person made in the example you were talking about, lol. I mean honestly when I go through my Facebook news feed, I'm just thinkin, "Really now? Really?" Haha!
    February 21st, 2013 at 05:19am
  • I love this! But it's funny, because I always see the mistake reversed: people putting "quite" when they mean "quiet." Lol. As someone who just graduated with my B.A. in English, I find grammar mistakes extremely irksome. They honestly ruin a story for me, as I've seen others on here state. I would send you the funniest example of horrible writing that I've seen on Mibba, but it would make your brain throw itself against the inside of your skull. I swear, my friend only sent it to me to torture me, because she KNEW how I would react to it. Cruel woman! Anyway, I'm happy that someone else is pointing out these mistakes without singling an author or authors out. Maybe you can teach someone something without making them feel bad. :)
    February 21st, 2013 at 05:11am
  • @ BambiWithLove
    Yeah. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting a GED. In my town, they are still pretty tough and they make you take classes first. When I first started writing again about two years ago, I was worried that I had somehow missed out on the tools I would need to write decently that some kids who went to high school probably learned.

    Then I realized that half the kids I know on my Facebook who are actually in high school, can't seem to spell whatsoever lol. I really didn't miss out I don't think.
    February 21st, 2013 at 05:03am
  • @ countrygirl62696
    Exactly. Face palm describes it quite well lol.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:58am
  • @ xMandiblesx
    It really is! I used to text talk all the time and it ruined my grammar and spelling. I got out of that phase. It's sad that my 10 year old sister can type better than a majority of 20 year olds. I also dropped out of school in 10th grade, but I got my GED. I took the "easy" route in school (not as easy as people think) and I can still type better than most graduates.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:58am
  • @ BambiWithLove
    I agree with that. Some people do take the lazy route. I've noticed a trend though with a lot of people these days and being lazy. I think text lingo has ruined some people. I understand if you're in the store and trying to send a quick text. A person might type everything in a shorter version, but when people start spelling in text lingo ALL the time and everywhere, that's down right lazy.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:55am
  • Now I'll agree that those typos are rather annoying, but have you guys ever come across a typo that was hilarious? Like for instance, this girl wrote this paragraph........

    "I took a hot beagle from the basket and grabbed me some cream cheese. Holding the beagle in my hand, I spread a good amount of the cheese onto it and took a big bite."

    Okay, now I found this error to be rather hilarious. I immediately pictured the author sitting at a table, eating a giant beagle hound covered in cream cheese. While the spelling mistake was far fetched, I easily forgave her because it was so hilarious and I didn't really have the heart to correct/embarrass her lol.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:53am
  • @ ladyschrei
    That's true. But I use the reread and post. It's the simple stuff they tend to mistake and I admit, I do it to, but I tend to catch it when I read it again. People tend to just write and post, they are taking the lazy route.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:51am
  • They're common words to misspell. Now if it's done repeatedly, then I assume that said person has a spelling deficiency, be it minor or major. It doesn't necessarily mean they didn't proof read before hitting submit, though.

    @ BambiWithLove
    Not everyone is comfortable with others beta'ing/editing their work, though.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:44am
  • I hate when people don't know the difference between your, you're, they're, there, to, too, etc. It can ruin a whole story for me. If you don't know the difference between those words, you shouldn't even be writing until you do. This goes back to the basics of grammar, people. This is elementary and it's pretty annoying trying to overlook it and keep reading. Typos every now and then are understandable but when it's a constant mistake, it's because they don't know any better and I just smh.
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:42am
  • Gah, that gets me as well, that and when people say "Common" when they mean "Come on." It's NEVER common, not even with an accent. It can be "Come on" or "C'mon" I wrote a rant about that

    I mean, if you want to write, the least you could do is type properly. Run it through someone, that's how I wrote. I mean, I stopped using my personal editor/best friend a couple years ago. But -headdesk-
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:39am
  • @xMandiblesx
    I completely understand. I try to be tolerant and I let people be as much as possible.

    But when my twelve year old brother's grammar/spelling is better than yours and you're eighteen and bragging about getting into some prestigious, expensive college on the status you're posting AND YOU MISSPELLED/TENSED EVERY OTHER WORD, I think you have a problem.

    (Ooooops. My rant-y side came out. >.> *blushes* Sorry about that. :3)
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:28am
  • I can understand it if they accidentally hit the t before the e and don't notice it. I can understand if it's a typo. But in any other case it's just like Facepalm
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:27am