If only people could see... - Comments

  • First off, I'm sorry you feel that way, I've been feeling
    pretty shitty lately too and it's not easy trying to get
    out of that rut.

    Secondly, please don't try to live your life according to someone else.
    Your brother is being really insensitive and selfish, and you of all people
    don't deserve to be treated that way. He shouldn't be the reason why
    you do certain things, because it isn't going to end in anything good
    for you. You have to take care of yourself and not worry about what
    others are doing. Take it one step at a time to not hate yourself, and
    vent to someone about it. Because harboring all that negativity is going
    to make you sick, and that leads to depression and suicidal thoughts.

    If you need someone to vent to, PM me if you'd like.

    Stay strong.
    February 24th, 2013 at 02:14pm