This Must Be Said. - Comments

  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    I do agree overall, but there's a fine line between making fun and being a douche or bashing. I posted a blog entry a few hours ago exactly about this, like, why do stories that are poorly written and plotless soooo popular while better stories get ignored? Well, I'm no J.K. Rowling but I believe my writing is fairly good, especially if you take into consideration that I was not raised in an English speaking environment. And it hurts me in places when my stories that I have put time and effort into writing get 2 comments, 1 subscriber and 13 readers while stories that aren't even thought out get all this love and OMG YOU'RE THR BEST WRITER EVER! It bothers me a bit. Do I write for myself? I do. But if I didn't want feedback, why bother writing on a foreign language and post my work online, right? I'm not blaming these authors, I mean, you should see the pile of pig shit I wrote when I was 15. I'm just saying that on a website like this, there should be a certain criteria for one to post their work. Sure, this ain't no fancy ol' bookstore, but it isn't a circus, either. One would except a certain amount of quality. And it's not even the bandfics that bother me so much. While it does get repetitive, I've read amazing pieces about bands I dislike and the story was still great. But, the vast majority of bandfics revolve around the same effing plot, same places, same situations, same everything. And they get 400 comments and an equal amount of subscribers. Some of my stories here have a little over 20 readers. So, it's not that I'm a horrible writer. The thing is, nobody even bothers reading my things. And you know why? Because I don't write about these popular topics. And it grinds my gears that I sometimes get labelled as a shitty author just because my stories don't get feedback. It's sad that I still even bother but oh well...
    March 14th, 2013 at 08:06pm
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    You are beautiful for writing this. It’s the kind of topic that needed to be discussed about. Badly.

    I don’t see what people take from being idiots, really. How could they possibly feel good for breaking someone’s heart? That’s something awful, really awful to do. People’s feelings should be respected and not simply stomped on.

    I seriously hope I’ve never been and never turn up to be like that. Once I wrote a blog about bad grammar, but I felt awful because when I re-read it I sounded like a bitch and that wasn’t what I was aiming for. I ended up deleting it a few hours later because I just felt like a jerk, even if it definitely hadn’t been my intention. I sometimes have problems with expressing myself and, unfortunately, that time the words were all wrong. I seriously hope no one read that thing and felt bad because of it. :x

    I’ve never received this kind of criticism before (because, thankfully, the people who happened to comment on my stories were decent human beings and didn’t go out of their way to point out my flaws cruelly), but I’ve seen it done more times than it should and I have to confess it made me scared of receiving comments. I know it may sound stupid, but I’m afraid of being criticized so badly I’ll end up hating my writing, especially when I’m not a big fan of it to begin with. I’m not that old on Mibba and I still have a long road to go when it comes to writing and the fact that I still don’t like the level I’m in makes me one of those people who would react badly to bashing. I really don’t want to give this up because someone thought it would be cool do disrespect my feelings. This is probably the reason why I’ve never used the Comment Swap thread. It was such an interesting thing, you know? But then people had to go and ruin its purpose completely. I would rather have little to no comments than have someone being rude to me just because they think they can….

    Another thing… because I’m crap at explaining myself, most times I tend to not comment the story at all. This sounds bad, but I prefer not making an appearance than ending up hurting someone’s feelings without intention. So, really, there’s no excuse for bashing, whether it is intentional or not. If people think they can’t explain themselves, maybe they should just shut up and let other people do it, people capable of being nice and constructive at the same time.

    Also, would it really bother them too much to use smiles? I don’t know… Smiles usually have a soothing effect on a rather crude/raw sentence and maybe then the words wouldn’t be so harsh. But no! The nice people are already nice enough without smiles, but most use them anyway. Then the jerks have to go and do everything in their power to be, well, jerks and don't include one single smile.

    (This is huge. :O I better stop talking. :3 )

    Anyway, this topic saddens me. But you’re still an angel for writing this blog. :) <3
    March 12th, 2013 at 05:14pm
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ Brian Haner Jr
    Yeah, but I don't think you're a part of those people. I've never seen you say anything negative to anyone. Of course I haven't read every comment you've ever made or seen what you message people personally, but lol I still don't think you're like that at all! I agree with what you've said. Cool
    March 12th, 2013 at 01:35pm
  • Brian Haner Jr

    Brian Haner Jr (100)

    This is something that always bothers me, people getting chips on their shoulders and thinking their work is better than everyone elses. It's one thing to think it though, and another thing entirely to abuse someone through comments on their work and then claiming it's constructive. Ripping someone apart and destroying their flair and passion for writing is not on. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. It's that simple.

    That being said, I really hope I'm not part of "these people." Shocked
    If I am, tell me, I don't want to be doing damage to anyone in anyway and I'm sorry if I am Sad
    March 12th, 2013 at 09:48am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    I just realized you saidIt was" Beg For Me" That you liked and not my other story " Set it on Fire" that you were meaning to comment on. Lol. Yeah, "Beg For Me" was a one shot I wrote for a contest, Im pretty proud of it. Im contemplating doing a sequel. Not sure yet though:)
    March 12th, 2013 at 09:39am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I always tend to watch what I say on stories to make sure that I don't put a nasty comment, especially with some of the younger writers on the site. I've been around for four years and I've had a chance to fine-tune my writing, but some of the people that are joining were the same age I was and I sucked when I first joined. It was the amazing people on this site and their constructive criticism that helped me along. If I were getting comments like the ones you described as opposed to the ones I actually received, I wouldn't have progressed the way I did. It's like playing a musical instrument; you don't pick up a guitar and instantly know how to play (heck, I've been playing for close on 8 years now and I still suck). Writing is the same. We all need time to grow as writers and perfect the art. It isn't something that just comes naturally. If I see any comments like this I'll definitely be reporting them, because that's just a shame. No one should think that their opinion counts more than another member on this site, because we're all completely equal. We come on here to write and talk to others, so why should there be negativity?
    March 12th, 2013 at 09:08am
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    Oh wow! Did someone actually do that? I know I pulled someone up on it here on Mibba because they were so rude to a new writer. I hate that and I fully agree with you, I hope the person was reported.
    March 12th, 2013 at 08:34am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    @ xMandiblesx
    lol, thanks!! I m glad you like it! Im kinda stuck with it right now, but hopefully I can sort it out.
    March 12th, 2013 at 04:54am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ BeenDownThatRoad the way...your story, "Beg For Me," is awesome lol. I keep meaning to comment, but I keep getting sidetracked. I blame A.D.D.
    March 12th, 2013 at 04:30am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    @ xMandiblesx
    Amen sister!
    March 12th, 2013 at 04:27am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ BeenDownThatRoad
    Yeah. I feel so conflicted because I hate even mentioning this ever! I just want more peace in the world. The world goes to shit more and more every day and for some people, writing is all they have left. I just want people to be more considerate is all I guess. Can't hurt to be hopeful. Very Happy
    March 12th, 2013 at 04:21am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    I too wont name names, but Im fairly certain I know who your referring too, and yes I agree. People need to back off and just enjoy Mibba for what it is, a place for unobstructed creativity for all. I think it so lame to go and generalize that people get facts wrong, or something isn't up to the critiquers standards. Wtf ever ok! Dont like it? -Dont read it! That's my stand point.
    March 12th, 2013 at 04:00am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ GoodGirl;
    Well see that's where it makes a difference, that you didn't vocalize them. =D I'll agree...some stories make me want to be like "WTF were you thinking?" I know though that it's not fair for me to make judgement because it's just my opinion. Someone else could completely love the story you know?
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:54am
  • GoodGirl;

    GoodGirl; (105)

    United States
    You are right! If I find a story but end up not liking it, I just stop reading. That's it.. Nothing else.. And then, if there are problems, I point out all of the positives in the story first, before pointing out the errors, so they know they aren't messing up or anything, but there are a few mistakes. That's how I would like to be told, so that's how I tell them. I will admit, I've had rude and incredibly bitchy thoughts about someone's writing before, but I've never actually vocalized them.. I would hurt myself if I ever did
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:49am
  • DaniGates

    DaniGates (100)

    United States
    @ xMandiblesx
    Well, that's good. :D
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:32am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ Betty White;
    Yeah big hairy butts are gross and frightening! I agree with you. There are too many negative Nancys and Debbie downers these days!
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:16am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    I hear you on that, I try to mind my own business and I was on there to talk to a co writer and hadnt even said anything and was in the process of starting a private chat and then bam he had to go running his mouth... Needless to say he no long has a mibba account but it still doesnt change that it was said
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:13am
  • Elizabeth Comstock;

    Elizabeth Comstock; (100)

    United States
    My god.


    People seriously need to stop and think about stuff like this before they just go ahead and type.

    They need to look at it and say: "Do I want to kill this person's enthusiasm in writing, or do I want to help them cultivate it and grow as a writer?"

    The answer should be the latter.

    That's always what I try to do.

    And, even if the whole story does seem pretty awful and you do find many mistakes, you can always offer to help by being a proofreader for them and being constructive instead of a butt. BEACAUSE NO ONE LIKES A GIANT, HAIRY BUTT.

    I agree so much.
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:11am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Dang that's aweful! He deserves to be beat for that. No one talks shit about the Rev! I haven't been on the chats and from the sound of it, I'm not going to either!
    March 12th, 2013 at 02:07am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    I've never seen it done to someone before, but I hate that people think that their opinion is like god's gift to earth.. I am a VERY HUGE A7X fan and have been since Waking the Fallen.. And as an A7X fan I think that bashing my fav band is like a crime and the person should be beaten for dising them.. Thou I don't often put out my opinion about it.. and I won't ever get back on the chatroom here on mibba, because some $%*#ing douche thinks its okay to out me in front of the entire chat room and let me know that a man that I have idolize forever was a fag and a sucky drummer and deserved to die.. I think I cried harder than I did when I found out he passed away.. And all I can say is if I could of found that little @#$% @##$$@%% you get the point. I would have beat him till there was nothing left..
    March 12th, 2013 at 01:57am