Angelo Parente.. - Comments

  • WTF! Why how could people blame Devin?!!!!? I'm Soooooooo Sad Angelo left, but, he like you said knows what's best for him! And people blaming Devin isn't gonna change anything. blarg.
    March 16th, 2013 at 06:08am
  • Exactly. I can't believe the people who were saying it should have been Devin instead of Angelo. Devin is younger then Angelo and probably hasn't been touring/beend in a band that long, I don't know what he did before he joined MIW, but like I said, Angelo had mentioned some health problems he was having last year and it probably just caught up to him. I miss him so much but as you said, Lauren, he quit now before he risked harming himself more. I just hope he's happy doing whatever he decides to do. <3
    March 12th, 2013 at 03:38pm