Hippocratic Oath - Comments

  • azela28

    azela28 (100)

    United States
    thanks for the feedback, and the spell check, i was going a tad too fast for my poor brain. XD
    i would totally agree with you, however there needs to be more structure to this system everywhere. not to say there are too many doctors, the need has always been there, maybe even one day we can have one doctor per 5 people one day, but with more people not being in primary care it's getting quite hard. i'm more for solid foundations first before we decide to advocate more doctors, if we have no places for them then there is less incentive for them to go into it. then again, to each their own.
    titles are purely for my own amusement and memory.
    March 14th, 2013 at 05:25am
  • DarkestStorm

    DarkestStorm (335)

    United States
    I'm struggling to see why this got titled "hippocratic Oath". Also, it's Haiti*. I agree that health care around the world needs to change. Even in the U.S. It's just awesome the government's going to make everyone get health insurance or pay a tax/not tax which doubles every year. I think we (the world) do need more doctors and nurses but I also think there needs to be more health clinics in third world countries (and first and second) for people who can't afford health care, to be able to get it.
    March 14th, 2013 at 02:58am