I'm not buying into this weight loss/diet nonsense. - Comments

  • @ little motorkitty;
    Oh my goodness. This is just totally made my day. Thank you. Arms
    March 21st, 2013 at 02:18pm
  • @ crisiscore.
    Yes. this. Cool
    March 21st, 2013 at 01:56pm
  • crisiscore.:
    @ The Zac
    You totally missed the point of this blog. Also, you don't think we should be promoting self love? Just because you're insecure doesn't mean others need to be. Cool
    Bless all of this File
    March 21st, 2013 at 01:00pm
  • @ The Zac
    You totally missed the point of this blog. Also, you don't think we should be promoting self love? Just because you're insecure doesn't mean others need to be. Cool
    March 21st, 2013 at 12:28pm
  • @ little motorkitty;
    That is also true. But it's always easier to bully obese people because it's their fault, according to the overall media. Well yeah, nobody forced the food down your throat, but there are so many psychological factors that lead to compulsive eating, like stress and depression. I feel like obese people are treated as if they should just die. Of course one should be shaken up and told the brutal truth, but not in a you're disgusting, you fat shit and you should feel like shit for eating so much kind of way.
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:50am
  • @ Soy un Dorito!
    The thing is though, there are plenty of health issues a thing can have that threaten their life, yet nobody ever seems as concerned about those things than they are about obesity. And you can think what you like but shaming somebody for what they weigh will never be okay, even if you're concerned.

    And exactly, that's my point. Our bodies are more than numbers and sizes.
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:42am
  • @ The Zac
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but if girls only look at you because you look so hot, than they're as vain as someone who is constantly shaming fat people.
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:41am
  • @ little motorkitty;
    I do agree with The Zac when he talks about unhealthy overweightness. Like, if your weight is threatning your health, then I think you should consider losing some because you know, obesity can kill you. But of course, being overweight (or underweight, for that matter) doesn't mean you're unhealthy. There are so many different body types, why is it that people keep wanting to look a certain way and fail to understand that your body isn't just a heigh/weight math problem?
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:38am
  • @ Yumho.
    Well I'll tell you right now, I don't even know you but you are beautiful and deserving of love Arms Especially love from yourself. Just remember- your legs were made to help you walk, not to be skinny, your stomach was made for food, not to be flat. Like i've said, there is nothing wrong with being skinny, but please don't think that you have to be skinny to be beautiful. All bodies are beautiful bodies Arms
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:27am
  • @ The Zac
    Just a heads up, 'healthy' and 'skinny' are not synonyms. There are lots of people in my brother's army troop that would be classed as fat or overweight, but I can guarantee they'll have better fitness than you and pretty much anyone that you assume is healthy just because they're not fat.

    And since promoting self-love, I've gained more confidence than ever and I don't need to work out or lose weight to do that. And nobody else needs to either. If somebody doesn't want to lose weight, then why the hell should they? Because other people think that their body type is 'wrong' and that, is why the whole diet/weight loss thing, is nonsense. And I'm aware that starving myself is stupid, thanks, but it's called an eating disorder and I went down to weighing less than 90lbs. Which is why I now chose to embrace my body.

    Also, in my entire blog it talks about how I don't want to lose weight, yet you tell me tips and hints on losing weight and ask as if I need to know these things to lose weight. Did you not understand the point of the blog, or do you think I should ignore how I feel and change my body so it fits in with what people like you want it to be?

    As for the comment about obese people, that is incredibly fatphobic and downright ignorant. Judging people by what they weigh is ridiculous. It's not your body so it's none of your business. For all you know they care about themselves a lot, and just don't happen to want to be what society wants them to be. Fat does not mean unhealthy and it's totally narrow minded not to see that! And even if somebody is unhealthy, what business is it of yours to judge them?

    I care about myself way too much, which is why I don't let society poison my mind so I hate myself. And you obviously didn't get it from the blog, so I'm gonna state it again here. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Lose. Weight. And coming onto a blog where I talk about NOT wanting to lose weight and acting as if I should want to, is incredibly rude.
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:24am
  • @ countrygirl62696
    I'm glad it's not just me Mr. Green

    @ Soy un Dorito!
    Exactly! There's weight loss ads everywhere, constant things telling us we're never enough or we need to take this pill or use this cream or follow this diet and I'm totally sick of it! There's nothing wrong with being skinny, but it doesn't mean everyone has to be skinny either.
    March 21st, 2013 at 11:23am
  • God, I wish I had the mind set you have. I really do. I try to have it and be happy with my body, but I'm constantly surrounded by people skinnier than me and its hard. :/ I'm kinda dieting right now, but I'm pretty much miserable because I haven't had carbs or desserts for like...almost two weeks.

    But I love the thought of promotion of self-love. Wish people would do it more. Because it sucks to feel ugly when your thighs touch.
    March 21st, 2013 at 06:10am
  • If you're unhealthy you should lose weight. But why is it a bad thing to find fit people attractive? Since getting stronger and more muscular I've become a much happier person. 5 years ago I couldn't imagine myself looking the way I do, I never thought I even cared about it, but once I started working out and looking good I thought "farrrk this is pretty good". Did wonders for my health, self esteem and confidence. As well as appearance. And my luck with girls, turns out having some muscle mass makes it much easier.

    I don't think we should be promoting self love. In all honesty, I love finding things I don't like about myself (my small calves is a big one for me haha). It means I have something to work on. Something to do a little extra with.

    And don't starve yourself to lose weight, it didn't work because that's simply not how it works. That's stupid mate. If you really want to lose weight, work out your caloric maintenence as well as how many macro-nutrients you need. Then work out some kind of a defecit from your calories. For example, I'm cutting weight at the moment, my maintainence is a bit of 3000 calories a day (I'm a big dude), so I'm working at a 200-500 defecit. So about 2800-2500 calories a day. I'm also emphasising protein (maintain muscle) and trying to reduce my carbs (although I give myself leeway on certain gym days).

    I work out at the gym 6 times a day, doing heavy ass weightlifting focussing on different sections of the body 2x a week. You don't need to do that. If you wanna lose a little weight, do about 30 mins of steady cardio a day while on that defecit and the weight will just fall off. It won't always be easy, but it really is that simple. Don't starve yourself you'll just wreck your metabolism. There are proper ways to fast though but I wouldn't worry about that.

    Self love is good and all. But unhealthy people should work to correct it. I see some people who are waaaay obese and think "how the fuck can you live like that?". I just couldn't imagine not caring about myself that much.

    Each to their own, but if you wanna give weightloss another crack, feel free to message me for some tips and advice mate. Good luck, keep on keeping on stranger.
    March 21st, 2013 at 04:50am
  • Bless all of this!
    There's this commercial on Portuguese TV for these diet pills and of course they use the Before/After thing and the Before girl has the same body type as me while the After girl is all skinny. And I'm like bitch, why do I have to be skinny? Some people are skinny, some are fat, some are athletic, some are motherfucking unicorns, GET OVER THAT SHIT, SOCIETY! According to my doctor, I'm perfectly okay and he even says the BMI index is bullshit, you can't take someone's height and weight, do some math and label someone as fat or skinny because of some number. A body is a body, not an algebra book File
    March 21st, 2013 at 04:24am
  • Agreed. Clap What I preach all the time.
    March 21st, 2013 at 04:07am
  • @ crisiscore.
    *chubby princess cat rave while you sleep*

    @ Azzerion
    Stalking skills aren't quite at pro level then XD
    March 21st, 2013 at 03:47am
  • What she said. Well... Except having seen you naked.
    March 21st, 2013 at 03:35am
  • I've seen you naked too. >_> And I say, CHUBBY FTW. It suits you like Loki suits being inside the duvet.

    You're a chubbeh princess, which is the best kind of princess that anybody can ever be. w0o0o0o.
    March 21st, 2013 at 03:32am