"And it really looks like you could use some help in that department." - Comments

  • @Queen Obscene
    I certainly never meant it to say that it was degrading. I think I may have worded it wrong. C:

    If those women want are happy with what they do and who they are, that is amazing and awesome. Everyone should be who they want to be. And if you have the ability and the stick-to-it-ive-ness to look like one, that's amazing and you should absolutely be proud and flaunt it!

    However, having many body image issues my whole life, seeing women like that everywhere definitely never helped me to think better of myself.

    And, had I been in the same frame of mind now, it definitely would have made having to see them ten times worse.

    @The Sun God
    Hahaha. Will do right now. C:


    She was. Some people just are though, I guess. Facepalm

    @everybody dies;
    That's exactly the point I was trying to make!

    I have no issue with people who look or even want to look like those women.

    But sometimes, it's hard to have to see that plastered all over the place, especially when you feel that it's something you can strive so hard to never attain.

    Hear hear!

    @Crowley's Darling
    Not completely a waste, but I'm a wimp and... Yeah... >.> You'll learn more from me later.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 11:31pm
  • Me and my friends were actually discussing this the other day at uni. That's the reason I buy my bras from ASDA (Walmart, whatever. ASDA in the UK) or the Avon catalogue. Besides, having smaller boobs is better, in my opinion (I'm probably only saying that because I've always been particularly busty and trying to find nice bras in my size is like looking for a needle in a haystack). But she had no right in any way to say that to their face. And people wonder why some girls are insecure about themselves. That's the reason and it really infuriates me. I, for one, will definitely be avoiding Victoria's Secret and going to La Senza (where the staff are usually lovely) the next time I need any decent underwear.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 11:06pm
  • And this is the reason I go to Walmart, and partially because I'm the one paying for them and I'm a cheap-skate.

    But that woman was seriously rude. Disgust
    March 22nd, 2013 at 09:53pm
  • That woman was a bitch and should never have said that to you.

    However I disagree with some of the points about the models. I watch the fashion show every year an these women (who are paid millions of dollars every year) love their job and happily talk about how they work very hard to look the way they do - before make up and airbrushing. All the campaigns are in good taste and I certainly disagree that they're degrading.

    I do think it would be great to see a wider range of body types in the campaigns, and I think it might happen in the future. The fashion industry is changing but it will take time and the lingerie section will probably take longer.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 09:22pm
  • So glad I'm a dude, mostly for these kinds of reasons. Here is something for you consideration.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 09:22pm
  • Whut whut whut? All that hard work shouldn't go to waste though! D: At least you'll get ice cream and pizza though! XD

    Bleh. I never really liked their catalogues really. I mean I liked a lot of their things but it's kinda degrading for them to represent women like that.

    WOO! WALLY WORLD HAS EVERYTHIING! including sports bras which I favor over everything else
    March 22nd, 2013 at 08:12pm
  • @Crowley's Darling
    XD If anything even happens. Chance are very good it will end up like the last time and we'll end up going and getting pizza and ice cream instead! XD

    I agree. My mom always got their catalogues in the mail, and when I was little it used to make me feel really bad about myself to look at them.

    I care less about them now though.

    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:56pm
  • Wooooo! Look at Gats! Getting sexay for her man! XD Kidding. XD But go me for being right!

    That's good! I'm glad you found somethings you're comfortable with. Bleh Victoria's has too many of those "sexy, curvy, skinny models" for my liking. I mean, hey, they're all pretty and some of the stuff from VS are comfortable (some of my friends gave me some stuff from Victoria's Secret as a present for my birthday last summer), but yeah. Woo! I get my stuff from walmart. XD
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:51pm
  • @Madame Stark;
    That is very true. I can only hope it doesn't happen to anyone else. By now, I'm too set in my ways of thinking about myself to let something like that faze me. XD But I could only imagine someone with a fragile body image having to deal with someone like that.

    I hope that they speak to her and give her some more training, or something. because I did call in there and ask to speak to the manager today.

    Not that I want to get the poor lady fired, I just don't think it's very good for business and I was pretty uncomfortable.

    I shall take a look right now!
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:47pm
  • I always liked Victoria's Secret because they never pressured me to get push-up bras or ridiculous things. I'm am awkward small B, and in other places a medium A. But that just sounds horrible and I hate when they have people like that because it pushes even moreso on their bad rep. The stores generally do have good workers that want to help and give you the best experience and get rid of that rep because NOBODY has that perfect image, it's unnatural and hard to maintain. Disappointing. As soon as I feel like I can finally give my full support to something, more moments of stupidity are shown.

    Feel free to check out anything of mine, if you wish, dollie. Just posted some new oneshots.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:42pm
  • @Crowley's Darling

    Actually, my dearest Hina, you are 100% right in assuming this time. Mr. Green

    I found what I needed at Hot Topic though. XD There was nothing "me" at Victoria's anyway.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:39pm
  • Exactly. I mean, I get that she might've been trying to help, but there is a limit on what kind of help she's entitled to give. I mean I never venture into Victoria Secrets (I highly I doubt I ever will either), but I feel that people should be free to do what they want. By the way, this special surprise, it's something for him, yes? ~~ XD Sorry, I'm teasing you. People assume that when a girl goes into Victoria's Secrets that she's planning on some kind of sexual thing. >.<
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:36pm
  • @Crowley's Darling

    Arms Arms

    Personally, unless someone really doesn't know what they're doing, other people should just let them experiment, ya know? No matter what size they are.
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:26pm
  • Hina wants to hug you. Arms Arms I know i don't have small boobs, but I do get a lot of people in general trying to tell me how to make the most of my boobs with bras and shit. XD
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:25pm
  • @Miss Vampire Is Dead
    I know! I mean, you don;t see me going up to other women and going:

    "Wow you need to tone your boobs down!"

    Ahaha. I usually get mine at Wal*Mart. :3 You can actually find some really nice ones in places like that.

    Well, thank you. C: You would absolutely think so. This is the reason why people have some of the problems they do. -___-

    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:24pm
  • @Crowley's Darling
    Yeah....... It was probably the weirdest, most aggravating experience I've ever had in a mall.

    Mmmmmmmmmkaykaykay. C:
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:22pm
  • Oh god, that's fucking horrible. I have small boobs too, and I'm kind of sensitive about it. I know why too; and the fact that now we have employees there actually coming out and saying something about it, that's awful. This is why I shop at target, because they don't discriminate against little boobs! :D

    All joking aside, I'm sorry you got that kind of treatment. You'd think a member of the same gender would be a bit more kind. <3
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:21pm
  • ..... Are you fucking serious? She actually said that? The hell? My god! I would've... I probably would've just walked out, knowing me or just stand there in a daze like I always do when I'm talking with strangers. >.> But wow.....


    Feel free to read anything of mine. Linkage in my signature. XD
    March 22nd, 2013 at 07:18pm