One Direction vs. Suicide Silence - Comments

  • ptvjaime

    ptvjaime (1600)

    United States
    This is one hundred percent true. Little late to find this, but I searched Mitch's name to find something else and this came up. Anyway. I actually did a big post on Tumblr about this too. But in all fairness, SS fans can be batshit crazy. Like when it circulated Harry Styles apparently did the Lucker Stomp. I'm not sure if he did, I never saw any proof, but SS fans were on Facebook and Twitter saying they were going to kill Harry Styles over it. And torture him and I think rape even popped up? So every fanbase has their crazies. Look at poor John Lennon, who had to learn that the hard way.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 08:56am
  • Mischief Izzy

    Mischief Izzy (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Some of the 'eccentric' One Direction fans scare me a little, I don't know anyone (apart from some of the users on here) who like the band but...some of their fans are a little nutty. I'm pretty sure half of them went ape over the fact that one of the guys adopted an adorable puppy with his girlfriend and the fans started sending the puppy death threats. It's a freaking Dog.
    I know some of users here are part of the mature 20% that respect the band but the 'eccentric' majority remind me of the 'eccentric' belieber fan base.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 08:18pm
  • Rooskaya;

    Rooskaya; (155)

    United States
    How did the whole 1D v SS start? I know it started before Mitch passed away, but is there any specific reason why SS was targeted vs all the other bands out there? I mean, everytime I think about it sounds like someone had a problem with SS, was a 1D fan and the rest followed suit because it looked like fun.

    I just think the whole thing was petty and people, despite their age and maturity, need to go back to fifth grade and learn some common sense. There are things you say and things you don't say. If they don't have common sense, get the hell off the internet because you shouldn't be on it.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 05:30pm
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    I'm a big fan of One Direction alright? I've never really gotten into that group of music that Suicide Silence is associated with but I enjoy bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, Hatebreed, Pantera, etc. You get the idea. Now, I've never listened to Suicide Silence before, and I'm in the One Direction fandom. Let me tell you one thing: 80% of this fandom is filled with teenage girls 14 and younger. Were they wrong? Yeah. Do most of them seem psychotic? Yeah.

    I honestly have no idea what the fuck possessed them to say those things to her and about her father. Half the time I'm not informed about the drama that goes on in the 1D fandom because I stay off Twitter and Tumblr, but that's honestly fucked up. How about all the Suicide Silence fans tell Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry to go kill themselves? How about the SS fans claim that they guys of 1D cut themselves, etc? Well, that 80% would freak out. Most, not all, are teenage girls are really are nasty for what they did.

    But as to why his daughter was involved? The One Direction fans who said anything nasty about his death, the band, his daughter, anything that has to do with him really need to grow up. It's honestly disgusting that they would say anything about his death.

    "Yeah, c'mon girls, let's stop threatening to kill other fans of 1D who like our favorite member and tell Mitch's daughter to kill herself, and then let's say more stereotypical shit about the band because they scream! Cute"

    But like Airi. said, don't think that all of the 1D fandom is like that. I mean take me. I like One Direction, but I didn't say a single thing about Mitch, his daughter, his band, etc. I can relate to the fans of SS when it comes to Mitch's death. I remember the way I felt then Jimmy died. While we didn't have any fandoms coming at us and telling us Jimmy deserved to die, I understand how it feels. We stumbled upon the usual hate of Jimmy and it's down right scumy and disrespectful for anyone to out of their way and speak bad of the dead.

    What I'm trying to say is most of those girls were on Tumblr and Twitter and were wrong to say anything about Mitch. One Direction is in no way associated with Suicide Silence. There was no reason for what they did. There is no excuse for the horrible shit they've said. And I honestly hope they're all ashamed of themselves.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 04:17pm
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    ..every time I hear crazy stuff like that I wonder what has happened to the compassion for humanity. I mean, what makes someone want to tell a little girl that? Ugh.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 12:34pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I think there are a lot of batshit crazy One Direction fans but then again, I suppose that happens with all bubblegum pop boybands that get as popular as One Direction have become. Boybands are just destined to have psycho fangirls, it's just important to remember that not all One Direction fans are like that and many of them are decent human beings. I think the whole situation between One Direction fans and Suicide Silence fans went totally too far and should be left in the past. I'm not a fan of One Direction or Suicide Silence so I guess I'm neutral on this whole issue. There is absolutely not excuse for the shit the One Direction fanbase pulled, there is never a reason to tell a little girl to kill herself or to make fun of serious issues like self-harm and suicide. What some "Directioners" said was absolutely disgusting. But it didn't really surprise me, as bad as that sounds. One Direction's fanbase, like most major boyband fanbases, causes a lot of trouble so it didn't surprise me that they were stirring up trouble over that as well.

    Honestly, like LettersToNormandy down there, I'm a bit scared of the One Direction fanbase. I've had fans verbally attack me for simply saying nicely that I'm not a fan of them when asked. Some of their fans are just batshit insane, and that's putting it nicely. They're terrifying. But I also know a lot of really nice One Direction fans, so I just try to remind myself that not every One Direction fan will try to rip your head off for no reason.

    I don't know. I guess I think this whole thing seems to be done and over with so maybe it's best we leave the past in the past before we rile up both fanbases and cause another stupid and pointless "virtual war" between the two.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 09:34am
  • zemusez

    zemusez (100)

    Here's a new perspective...I'll be honest, with you, I'm not a huge fan of One Direction, nor am I a huge fan of Suicide Silence. But I think I speak for many people when I say this, Mitch's death came as a shock to many, and it was a tragic accident. That I cannot deny. I agree with you on the fact that the members One Direction fan base who abused Mitch, and Suicide Silence's fan base, were completely out of line. Whoever is was that began to say those nasty comments regarding Mitch's death, was completely in the wrong, that is true. Now I'm not taking sides to this argument, but I did see a lot of nasty comments being thrown back and forth between both fan bases. Many along the lines of, 'kill yourself', and, 'slit your wrists'...there were nastier things said, and it was from each fan base to the other. While the One Direction fan base started the initial feud, Suicide Silence's fan base did retaliate.
    It would be a lie to say that either fan base is, for lack of a better word, right; because both fan bases are in the wrong. One Direction's for starting it, and for making those cruel comments regarding Mitch and his family, etc...and Suicide Silence's for retailing in the way it did. Yes they did have a right to defend their hero, because what was said about him was very uncalled for, but I can honestly say I saw some disgusting comments being made to the One Direction fan base, and that was out of line. I don't care how rude some of the things One Directions fans were saying, it isn't right to retaliate in such a rude way. The feud could have been dealt with in a better way than it was. Seeing comments like the ones I saw, is just appalling. It reflects badly on the person and their fan base.

    Suicide Silence fans were grieving over the loss of their hero, with is respectable, Mitch seemed to be a great man, and it was tragic that such a great, inspirational person lost his life. So for those members of the One Direction fan base who said the horrible things regarding his death, was outrageous...and on top of that, abusing members of his, and his bands fan base...I have no words for how wrong that was. And while the Suicide Silence fan base members were initial victims...some people of fan base said some things, that no matter the circumstances, are uncalled for, which puts them in the wrong also.

    It was a tragedy, and to think that such a thing lead to an argument like this, is sad to see. Very disappointing if I do say so, quite pathetic how inconsiderate of others feelings people are.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 09:12am
  • LettersToNormandy

    LettersToNormandy (100)

    United States
    To be quite frank I dont know much about either group, except that some (not all, but damn there are those batshit crazy fans) Directioners can get hella nasty. Some of the stuff they say to people outside their collective fandom is insanely cruel and pathetic. I've never had a fandom attack me for an opinion like theirs did.

    Back when the Taylor/Harry stuff was going down and they were not only threatening to kill the girl if she wrote any bad songs about the kid but also were saying ridiculously awful other things as well I let them know how cruel and childish they were coming off. I also informed them he consented to a relationship with her as well no matter how short lived and given she was Taylor Swift he certainly knew he was putting himself in her song-writing sights. Of course logic wasn't very kindly taken by the collective on Tumblr and I had many a anon cuss me out or call me a "cunt" or "whore". Also note I'm not a Taylor fan. But I won't take ANYONE getting death threats over severe, unrealistic cases of jealousy and resentment.

    Truthfully the One Direction fandom just scares me and I find it very hard to have respect for a group of people who viciously attack anyone like some of them do for common sense or an opinion they don't like.
    March 23rd, 2013 at 07:25am