GAY MARRIAGE LOVELIES ! ! ! why or why not - Comments

  • Jalesa Kitty

    Jalesa Kitty (100)

    United States
    @ Airi.
    i get where you're coming from and yes i do understand what you mean by the fact that gays are forced down to second-class citizens and yeah its horribly wrong and severely degrading . i get where you're coming from and thanks for your input
    March 27th, 2013 at 05:28am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I'm for same-sex marriage and I've personally been an active fighter for the legalization of same-sex marriage here in California and also for across the U.S. Marriage is a fundamental civil right and it's not okay to take away a person's civil rights based upon sexual orientation. It's discrimination and it's wrong. No one should be discriminated based upon something innate like sexuality. Besides, marriage comes with around 1,500 federal rights. It is not okay to deny a person their federal rights. Banning same-sex marriage not only takes rights away from innocent citizens, but it also lessens their dignity. It lowers them to being a second-class citizen and says that we are inferior to heterosexuals based upon our sexual orientation. But we're not inferior and it's time the law stopped saying we are.

    Besides, why not let homosexuals be as miserable as heterosexuals? After all, don't a lot of people say marriage makes you miserable? Let us be miserable in marriage too! tehe That was my lame attempt at humor.

    There is really no logical reason to be against same-sex marriage. I've been a gay rights activist for a while now and I have never heard a logical argument against it, just people preaching their religion as if everyone should be forced to follow their religion.
    March 27th, 2013 at 05:16am