Sometimes, Directioners really piss me off. - Comments

  • I totally agree with this. They also threaten to kill people on a frequent basis, such as girlfriends of the band or people who aren't Directioners. They're even trying to ruin other fandoms on tumblr by putting the # symbol and then the name of the fandom they want to ruin in their One Direction post, because they want EVERYONE to be a Directioner. They're incredibly immature little girls, I'm not saying all of them because I've met Directioners my age and up who are not that bad, but there are some who are awful.
    Where are the parents of the animals in all of this, out of curiosity? You can't tell me there's actually parents that are happy their daughters are acting like this.
    April 3rd, 2013 at 05:07pm
  • So true!
    March 30th, 2013 at 11:55pm
  • I totally agree. But this also goes for fans everywhere.

    Sometimes fans don't realize that celebrities are just like us and fans look to them as fictional characters who have no other life than the one's they've imagined. It's like Niall is no longer anything other than One Direction and it's sad. Famous people need personal private times too. They also need their fans to understand that they are not the center of the universe and they aren't always going to be the center of attention. Greg's wedding was Greg's moment. Not Niall's and Niall is just disappointed he couldn't stop that precious, sacred, beautiful memory from becoming this ruined moment.

    Now I understand that without the fans, celebrities would be nothing. But don't they understand that there are boundaries for everything. People these days fail to show respect to everyone. Family time is sacred and should not be interrupted by crazy fans who are about to ruin it. This is why celebrities go crazy and start being jerks to fans. And listen, if Harry Styles or Gerard Way happen to be in the same place I was, I would totally want to meet them. But if they happen to be with friends or family or even a date, I would feel terrible if I ruined their evening with my presence. It's just common curtesy.

    Forgive me for my errors, but you got me ranting. tehe
    March 29th, 2013 at 12:44am
  • Hail

    I've recently been converted to 1D and I am absolutely disgusted with the fanbase. Who would do such a thing? That is absolutely... there are just no words.

    I think as time goes on we forget what lines we should not cross when it comes to celebrities. My mother told me when I was young that if I saw someone famous in public that I admired, I should not go up to them if they were with their family or eating, etc. I should leave them alone. If I really wanted to say hi or ask for an autograph then I wait until their leaving (that is if they're alone). She taught me to respect privacy and from a lot of Directioners you can blatantly see that their parents didn't do the same.
    March 28th, 2013 at 05:57pm
  • I agree so much with this post. I adore One Direction and the fact that people from our fanbase would even think of doing something like this, to ruin a big day for a sibling of one of our boys, just plain out disgusts me.
    I'm almost ashamed to be a Directioner because of fans like this. I don't understand how they can do such a thing and make us look horrible. They're basically crossing the line with everything they do and that's why our fandom is declining in respectable standards.
    And about the whole thing with Mitch Lucker- I am also a fan of Suicide Silence, the band he was in, and when I heard about those comments, I wanted to quit the fandom. Those people make me absolutely sick and I can't stand them for the life of me.
    I'm almost scared to wonder what will happen when I see them live.

    I'm pretty sure they won't see this... but if they do, to the "Directioners" who told Kenadee Lucker that her father deserved to die- you are evil, disgusting people and I sincerely hope you get your due. Karma is a bitch, and she's watching all of you.
    March 28th, 2013 at 05:34pm
  • I love One Direction more than is probably healthy and I have for about a year and a half, but I would never, in any way, disturb their privacy like that and potentially ruin something that meaningful and sacred just to meet them. I wouldn't even go up to them in public if they were on the streets shopping, because I believe that they need their normal time (and I'm far too awkward for that, but I digress)
    What they did is fucking ridiculous and those fans that did it (or the fans that don't think about the boys' privacy and family) need to take a step back and reevaluate. They fulfilled their goal but they ruined a special day for Niall's BROTHER and made Niall cry.
    There's a chunk of this fandom that I truly cannot stand, and those girls are part of it.
    March 28th, 2013 at 03:45pm
  • They made him cry?! First of all, if you're not invited, don't go to a wedding. That's just rude. Second, you are absolutely right. The day was about Greg and not Niall. Stupid people piss me off. As much as I love being a Directioner, I'm glad I'm not a crazy one. The crazy ones can be really mean and stupid. They told Mitch Lucker's daughter that her father deserved to die and that she should die too. Who the fuck do they think they are? You don't say that to people! Fucking crazy stupid bitches! I love this fandom but some people are just fucking crazy.
    March 28th, 2013 at 04:18am
  • I know i saw pictures from the girls who broke in and they took a happy picture of them jumping up in the air like yay we did it. Some Directioners even figured out where Niall lived and im like that's insane. It seems like there are just crazy fans in every fandom. It's reallly disrespectful
    March 28th, 2013 at 02:42am
  • Whoa, seriously?! This is why people thing Directioners are crazy, this is why I am ashamed to be part of a fandom of little kids who don't understand that they are normal people, they just have an amazing job.

    People piss me off, they really need to chill out and stop being dicks. Grow up. And to think, a good percent of these kids are under 16. What are their parents doing? Do they realized that their kids are stupid and rude?

    Honestly, I am ashamed of this fandom.
    March 28th, 2013 at 02:21am
  • It's a con of being famous I suppose.
    March 28th, 2013 at 02:05am
  • That is so rude and disrespectful, some Directioners take things way too far. I can't believe they made Niall cry. I can only imagine how his brother and his wife feel. I also hate the fact that when they find out that they made Niall cry they'll act all sad and try to say sorry to him but that's not the problem. They shouldn't have thought crashing someone's wedding was okay in the first place and Niall isn't the only one who they should be apologizing to.
    March 28th, 2013 at 01:46am
  • the thing is, is that most of the fans were young (8ish years is what they looked like in pictures), so obviously they had to have a parent/guardian take them there, which is even more fucked up if you think about it, ya know.
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:56am
  • Wow..... That.... I'd be pissed off and upset, too. How did they even know where the wedding was taking place? I wouldn't be surprised if there's a fan that masterminds all the avid and rabid fans (the one that do shit like what they did at the wedding), who can practically "Hack" into every database related to the boys' private lives and direct all the fans to what they're doing at that specific moment in time. -_-"
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:49am
  • That is insane, almost unbelievable. Wow.
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:39am
  • That's not fandom, that's mental illness.
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:27am
  • Another thing to add to the list of why I avidly avoid that fandom and consider a certain number of them inconsiderate, insane, awful, rude little brats. Like who actually has a brain and does that??
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:20am
  • Wow, people need to get their shit together. I bet they will regret what they have done later on in their lives, but they don't understand how much they are hurting people. When you said that Niall had cried about it, I instantly felt worse about the situation. Give these boys their privacy! If you want to meet them then go to an actual meet and great!
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:12am
  • I don't call myself "Directioner" for that reason.
    I was pissed about them crashing the wedding. I mean I bet they wouldn't want their weddings crashed by dumb 13 year old girls (don't mean to offend, but let's face it - 90% of the 13 year old 1D fans are immature and dumb. Most, not all) and anyways, ugh. Idiots don't know where the line is and how far across it they've gone.
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:10am
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:04am
  • I'm not a fan but wow, that's horrible. >->
    March 28th, 2013 at 12:01am