"I hate gays," is not a nice sentence. - Comments

  • IKR! Like seriously love in the dictionary clearly says "A feeling of passion or attraction" nowhere does it say 'With the opposing gender"
    April 2nd, 2013 at 03:01am
  • I totally understand where you're coming from. It's hard when someone you're close to feels that way. My mother is lesbian, and my Nana (Dad's mom) is crazy Christian. (I like to distinguish between Christian and crazy Christian, because there is a difference.) My Nana openly expresses the fact that she dislikes my mother and thinks that who she loves is wrong and disgusting. One day, while we were arguing about religion (because we do that) she accidentally let it slip that she prays for pretty much everyone in my family but my mother. When I asked her why, she was like, "Because she doesn't deserve to go to Heaven."

    Despite all this, I love my Nana to pieces, and she loves me right back.

    It's hard to be in a close relationship with someone who feels so strongly about these kinds of things. But I don't know that you should let it forever ruin your relationship with that person. Sure, your eyes are now opened to things about Cassie you didn't know before, but we will always find those things in people when we're friends with them for a long time. No matter who it is, no matter how similar you are, you will always learn something about them you wish you hadn't. This might just be yours and Cassie's thing. If you're truly friends, you guys will talk about it and fight about it and then keep loving each other in spite of it. If not, then maybe it's good you learned this so that now you can find somebody new. But if you really think she's special, I don't think you should let this end your relationship forever. That's just my two cents. :)
    April 2nd, 2013 at 02:28am
  • I think you should show her this blog. Email her the content and tell "If you cant respect people for who they are and make respectful comments about the, even if you disagree with they're lifestyle, then I don't think it would be healthy for us to be friends." It's completely inappropriate to tell a person they they are going to hell for the way they love or who they love. (Remember, before the civil rights movement, people like Christians thought interracial couples were damned to hell!) I think it would only hurt you to continue associating with such a negative person. That's just my opinion, and you don't have to agree but I'm just trying to help. :/

    It sounds like Daniel has a lot of courage and deserves respect, too! You should tell him that!!
    April 2nd, 2013 at 02:27am
  • As much as people like her aggravate me, I almost feel sorry for them. People like that must have so much darkness in their heart to feel such hatred for someone just based on something so small as sexuality. Their hearts are closed off and until they let go of that darkness, they'll never be able to understand how to be truly loving and accepting. I would consider her a false Christian, a real one would never be so judgmental and hateful. A real one would understand Christian teachings and know how to be loving to everyone. It's always quite sad to see people thinking in such a hateful way.

    If you think you can't be friends with someone with those views, it's totally understandable. There are just some qualities that we can't handle being around. I personally wouldn't be able to be friends with someone who hates LGBTQ people either.
    April 2nd, 2013 at 02:19am
  • My thoughts: You can't help who you love and if that person happens to be the same gender then let it be (:
    April 2nd, 2013 at 01:52am
  • To be honest, I wear a crucifix around my neck everyday (and it is one of my most prized possessions), and I've gone to Catholic church since the day I was born, but that behavior is absolutely atrocious to me. Ugh, such bigotry.
    April 2nd, 2013 at 01:47am
  • I'm from a Catholic family and even my mom- the most devout of any of us -would NEVER say that. That is a horrible, judgemental and un-Christian thing to say. Didn't Jesus himself say "he who is without sin shall cast the first stone", or something to that affect? Ugh, people. -.-
    April 2nd, 2013 at 01:45am