I Really Don't Know How to Feel About This.... - Comments

  • KittyKat.StayStrong

    KittyKat.StayStrong (100)

    United States
    As much as I want to give up, I don't think that I could just yet. I'm just tired of people saying that I can trust them, that they will be there. It seems like I second I get close to them and open up myself to them, they take advantage. I guess I should learn to keep my mouth shut and not say anything to anyone. I thought that if I let someone in that I would be able to see why I should hang on. It turns out that I have learned the opposite lesson. Bottom line, getting hurt isn't a new thing for me, so I don't know why it still surprises me and hurts just as bad as the first time. I don't understand why people can't just keep the promise of being there.
    April 4th, 2013 at 03:40am
  • humanik

    humanik (100)

    United States
    Listen. I've had some bad relationships. My first girlfriend gave my friend 'a chance' to be fair... Then like a week later tops, dumped him. I lost three of my best friends b/c I asked one of em out and it put a wedge between us. My second and last girlfriend so far, said "You're just jealous because nobody loves you and never will" just to spite me because she was mad at me. Those are just the most major points in relationships by the way. I was depressed for part of the time between the rejection and the spite. I had considered suicide during that time(jumping off a bridge), I have never self-harmed(on purpose of course). I'm still here, I'm still looking for the person who is perfect enough for me. Please don't give up.
    April 4th, 2013 at 03:14am