Do I wing the Long Distance relationship or someone who's close to me? - Comments

  • Crown The Secrets

    Crown The Secrets (100)

    United States
    @ bitch head
    I'm sorry to hear that. Plus, that just made me a little more worry about this whole problem. But will it be wrong if I did choice the one who lives here and be friends with the one in Canada? It wouldnt be bad to have them as a friend, right? And yes, it's very confusing and mind boggling. I dont like this.
    April 8th, 2013 at 02:14am
  • semolina

    semolina (150)

    United States
    I've been in this situation before. In hindsight, I think I shouldn't have dated either of them. But I ended up dating this girl long distance for two years. I was truly, deeply in love with her and everything seemed perfect, but she ended up leaving me for someone that lived near her. So, now I'm extremely weary about internet/long distance relationships. They make you feel like you couldn't live without them, but its so confusing because you're not even living with them. It hurts to hear, but if she's already telling you to move on and whatever, then I wouldn't get more involved. Unless, she's telling you to move on because she feels hurt that you might like someone else. Idk. I'm sorry though, this shit is confusing.
    April 8th, 2013 at 02:01am
  • Crown The Secrets

    Crown The Secrets (100)

    United States
    @ FallenCreature
    Hey darling, but I'm not sure what my heart wants, it never does. That's why I'm so confused. I've been always talking about how I want a relationship and all this hits me like a brick. And yeah, Long Distance Relationships are really terrifying to me. And It's hard for me to understand and get used to it.
    April 8th, 2013 at 01:48am
  • FallenCreature

    FallenCreature (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hun, I know this sounds cliche, but follow your heart.
    It sounds as if the girl in Canada has feelings for you, and you're unsure about the other girl.
    If it hurt to tell the Canadian about 'moving on' that much, then maybe she's the one you should go with.
    Long distance might be scary, but if you really like her, then go for it.
    I may be wrong, it's not my choice, but seriously, follow your heart.
    April 8th, 2013 at 01:30am
  • Crown The Secrets

    Crown The Secrets (100)

    United States
    @ lady--georgia
    Thank you, dear. Everyone's advice given to me about this was a bit choppy. Yours help a little. I'll remind them both about this trying out new things situation. Thank you for the luck, I'll need it. <3
    April 8th, 2013 at 01:29am
  • lady--georgia

    lady--georgia (100)

    United States
    i don't believe in the whole "the one for you" sort of thing and considering one of them told you to move on, i'd possibly talk to that person and tell them, you're not necessarily moving on, but wanting to try something different.

    you'll never know about anything until you try. and if that person, the long distance one, is okay with that, and it doesn't work out with the short distance one, then tell the long distance one that. tell them you need to test things out, and if they seriously do like you, and want you to be happy, they'll understand, hopefully

    and if you do that and things don't work out with the short distance one, tell the long distance one that, or if they do work out with the short distance one, tell the long distance one that. i would tell the short distance one what was going on, too, and telling them both the situation, because they might be able to help you more than someone outside of the situation could

    if they're worth it, they'll probably be understanding to your confused state and if they care about you, they'll try and help you, hopefully.

    good luck, either way
    April 8th, 2013 at 12:47am