3:00am Thoughts About Honesty - Comments

  • I think there are a lot of irony going on with what they teach us as kids and what adults actually do, and not just with honesty.
    They're always telling us to do this, to do that, but in the end in the adult world you can pretty much see it happening regardless, lol. >.<

    As for what is right and wrong, that's probably something you should decide for yourself. Listening to what others say and following it when you don't truly like it yourself doesn't help; I think it's easily if you decide for yourself.
    So, what kinds of things do you prioritize? Would you rather be polite towards someone like your grandmother, or would you rather tell her the truth straight out?
    Neither are particularly bad choices, actually. The one you choose is up to you.
    But really, there's nothing wrong with being absolutely honest. In the end, I think you should be yourself; that's the best Sierra I knew.
    On a side note, how have you been? It's been a long time!
    April 8th, 2013 at 06:33pm
  • I think my honesty really depends on what my mood is like at the time.

    For example: If I'm PMSing and someone says something I couldn't care less for, then I'm gonna tell them.

    About 90% of the time, though, I generally give whatever opinion will make the other person happy. Just to cut out any conflict that might occur if I were to tell them a truly honest thought.

    Mr. Green
    April 8th, 2013 at 10:47am
  • I'm generally far too honest for my own good. But I think it's always best to be honest when it's productive (I don't always follow this rule). Times when someone gets you a gift you don't like and things like that, it's okay to do the whole "aaaahhhh a new jumper, I'll wear that" sort of thing.
    April 8th, 2013 at 10:39am