A7X fans who worship the WAGs - Comments

  • I know most of you don't care but the other day Zack posted a picture on Instagram with him and someone who he is dating and he said b efore he deleted it and reposted it saying "Me with my lovely girlfriend." and then at the end I have a world to dominate.
    April 15th, 2013 at 05:24am
  • This is why I hate dealing with fans of any kind most of the time. The amount of obsession and so called protection they feel is ridiculous. Gena is allowed to do whatever she pleases -- their relationship is none of our business. I feel really bad for them, though. Apparently they're both getting a lot of harassment and Zacky said something about it. He shouldn't have to do that. His wife should be allowed to do whatever she wants to do with her life -- it's their decisions, their life. We don't know them personally.
    April 12th, 2013 at 08:47pm
  • Fans are crazy. They want to know every waking detail of the person's life, including everyone who's involved in their life. It could be for a number of reasons, like jealousy, unhealthy fascination, ect. I'm not saying it's right, but I'm sure when you become famous or you date someone who is, you understand that it's coming with the territory and shit.
    April 12th, 2013 at 08:35pm
  • I completely agree with you, I don't know anything about their wives apart from their names.. I don't see the fascination with having to know every single detail of their lives!
    April 12th, 2013 at 07:59pm