That great feeling that makes you warm and fuzzy inside - Comments

  • I have to totally agree with you. I started out writing just for me after taking a break for many years and I find myself getting lost in my stories to forget about all the crap in my life that I was going through a month ago. I'm so glad that I got out of that toxic workplace and I'm working somewhere new. Now that I've got a new PC that doesn't move as slow as Miss Daisy and have a new version of Word that actually works I should be able to start updating again soon. I just need to rescue my stories from my old hard-drive as I've got chapters waiting to post!

    I have to agree too about the guys from A7X. I've tried writing other stories and I'm just not as into it - I don't know whether it's the place I'm in at the moment, or whether I just find them easier to write about as like you said they're all so different but they gel so well together.

    I love reading your works as you write so well, and you are so descriptive I can picture everything that is happening :-)
    April 15th, 2013 at 11:16am
  • it's kind of like you said- I started writing for myself but upon joining this site and posting my stories here it became so much more <3
    it feels good to create an ''escape'' from reality for others as well as finding stories written from others that will take me away from current life as well..
    it's a give and take dance and I love it loads Mr. Green

    and I totally agree with the A7X guys- it feels like you can just throw them into any kind of situation, and give them whatever type of personality and it'll just be a perfect match. Haven't found any other group that'll work like that..
    April 15th, 2013 at 11:09am
  • @ NikiFM
    that is so amazing!!! you should really be proud of yourself! that is truly an accomplishment to be proud of!!
    April 15th, 2013 at 03:48am
  • One of the greatest feelings that my writing has brought me so far was when one of my readers said that my stories were getting her to read when her Mom and teachers were unable to ^_^ It was the best feelings to know that I had encouraged somebody to read! That's one of the reasons why I write along with the other reasons that you have written in this blog
    April 15th, 2013 at 03:39am
  • @ purple89
    No prob! Everyone need that everyone in a while
    April 15th, 2013 at 03:22am
  • @ OctoberA7X
    thank you so much :)
    it's just my way of reminding myself that things get better when everything falls to shit
    April 15th, 2013 at 03:17am
  • Do not apologize! That was the most wonderful thing I've ever read
    April 15th, 2013 at 02:26am