I've returned to Mibba after 2ish years.. - Comments

  • The Doctor

    The Doctor (105)

    Russian Federation
    I think that those who are juggling all of those things to such an extreme probably only do half-bothered jobs at everything. 10 different, yet stereotypical/simplistic stories that aren't difficult to think up, blogs which take a few minutes to do and usually involve complaining about something, and, for most people on here, high school drama which doesn't really equate to life. Eh, doesn't really sound that hard to do when put this way. Most blogs on here are about a lack of a romantic relationship, so that makes up for that part of "life". Maybe I'm just being pessimistic today? Lol
    April 15th, 2013 at 06:53pm
  • Manbear-n'-Me!

    Manbear-n'-Me! (130)

    United States
    Gah, I only have two active stories, and it's still hard~!!
    I swear, one of the things I try and have failed repeatedly is to just update on time. It might go well for a while but then writer's block kicks me in the face and nope, never works out!! >_<

    I try to limit myself to just one mini blog a week for now, I may increase the number during summer vacation though.
    April 15th, 2013 at 06:41pm