"I hate you." "I hate me too." - Comments

  • The Zac

    The Zac (100)

    Why don't you change the things you hate? Fuck sitting around and just hating it. Hating yourself is a fantastic thing to an extent. If you hate certain aspects of who you are, change them. The easiest one I see there is your body. Change your body. It's simple. It takes some work but it's simple. Want to get "skinny and perfect"? Work out. Eat right. I'm happy to help you out with that, feel free to message me about it. I know my shit when it comes to bodybuilding.

    With the whole hurting your parents, keep showing them that you love them and that you're improving. If you're working on getting better, then they'll be proud as fuck. And stick with school. Make new friends and do well. You only have to go to school for so many years, make the most of it.

    If you hate that you lie all the time. Lie less. Start with little shit and then work your way up with being more honest and straight up. And whoever "him" is that made you believed he loved you. Fuck him. You don't need him. You've got your mate and that's all you fucking need. You're pushing away good guys because you don't want them. It doesn't make you a bad person they just don't interest you right now. Don't fall for the whole "nice guy" routine.

    You don't need to be empathetic all the time. You're still in high school right? Most of the shit that goes around you means nothing anyway. It's all little things that mean nothing outside of school. If you have your own shit going on it's forgiveable not to care about little things. As long as you're there when shit gets real, that's all that matters.

    You have the will to fight off your depression. Learn to fight other things first. Working out did wonders for my depression and lack of confidence. Maybe it could do the same for you. If not find something that does.

    It's good to accept that other people may "hate" you. Hell if no one hates you and what you do than you mustn't be doing anything interesting.

    Fight hard mate. Use your hate to be the best you possible. Fuck this sitting around being complacent with self pity. Shit changes when you make the concious decision to make it happen. Like I said, feel free to message me if you want help on dieting and working out because I know a lot about it. Message me about anyhting else too, most of my experience with depression, anxiety and self esteem is purely anecdotal but I'm sure I can be of assistance.

    Don't give up motherfucker.
    April 18th, 2013 at 05:34am
  • Sansa Stark

    Sansa Stark (930)

    New Zealand
    Stop hating yourself Sad
    You are a beautiful person, okay? Arms
    April 18th, 2013 at 04:17am