Forcibly changing someone because of their beliefs is one of the cruelest things I can imagine. - Comments

  • Are you serious!?

    I was 'made' a catholic. baptism all that crap. But It doesn't mean I believe.

    But what you are going through sickens me, people really need to take a step back. you know you could probably get all of them in trouble because you cna force a religion on someone.

    I honestly would have cursed them all out and embarrassed the shit out of them, because you never do that. Ever. Thats just plain out wrong. You can get them in trouble for discrimination. Because that's what it is. plain and simple.

    Feel better. =)
    April 22nd, 2013 at 12:11am
  • I go to a Catholic school and I have more atheist friends than anything else. I believe in God myself, but none of my friends try to make me believe otherwise and I don't try to change their beliefs either.

    If you're getting bullied for it that's ridiculous, it's pretty clear they're just assholes anyways. Regardless, the best thing you can do is talk to an adult. Tell as many people as necessary until someone actually does something about it.
    April 21st, 2013 at 10:32pm
  • does the administration not see this at all?
    I went to a Catholic high school and I was never sure of my religion, and I wasn't made fun of, wasn't bullied, and barely had religion shoved down my throat. what you're going through isn't just; definitely go tell an adult about this.

    are there other atheists at your school? also: did your best friend's boyfriend try to talk Isaiah OUT of being an asshole, or?
    April 21st, 2013 at 09:18pm
  • Hello, love. I don't know you and you don't know me. You don't have to take my advice at all, but What is being done to you is bullying. I've been at your end. I've had things thrown at me, words thrown at me, you name it.

    Every school has a 0 tolerance to bullying. No matter if it's one kid or the whole football team. They cannot get away with it.

    I knew someone who was just dealing with it. The football players in our Bio class would toss him around. We purposely had to walk the long way to class to avoid them. It was horrible. I was the new student at the time, so I was being checked on. I had to report the football players and they were taken care of.

    Don't let them do it to you. There is no reason to be miserable. You have the right to be happy. Go talk to your guidance counselor and take care of it.

    They can't refuse to help you. If they do, the Board of Education will do something. Trust me.
    April 21st, 2013 at 07:17pm
  • I'm sorry.. I live in a pretty Christian-driven area, but no body cares about religion too much.. Not enough to do that.. I'm Hindu ans they don't care.. My best friend is Atheist and no one bothers her.. Abd just.. That is awful
    April 21st, 2013 at 06:34pm
  • I know that it's hard; I lost most of my friends when the same thing happened to me. Then again, they aren't really friends in the first place if they can't respect your beliefs. You seldom keep your high school friends anyways.
    April 21st, 2013 at 04:59pm
  • Arms You're welcome and I'm glad you're standing up for yourself instead of just running away and letting them get to you completely. It's not right for anyone to do that to anyone. I'm wondering if any teachers in the cafeteria saw any of that now? I hope things work out for you. Arms
    April 21st, 2013 at 04:43pm
  • Thank you guys very much. Arms I'm telling you, I am a super violent person when I need to be. They sit around me (there's no other place to sit at my table) and resisting the urge to punch them was just....ugh. I'm writing a letter to the principal now and I'm going to be openly honest with my responses. But the byproduct of what they've done is the harshest thing, to me: many people will not look at me the same because I'm some "stupid Athiest," according to Isaiah. I've lost friends now because of it. Friends have turned on me and made fun of me, saying, "Do you believe in evolution?" And normally, it would be me saying that they shouldn't have been friends with me in the first place. But it also has to do with how they're raised to strictly believe in Christianity. So yes, I have lost friends and that makes me mad. But I sent an email to my 5th period teacher to sit at a new lunch table with my friend Hannah and now the principal, so hopefully, things will work out. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to look those three boys in the eye again without lunging at them. Thank you, guys, again. Arms
    April 21st, 2013 at 04:39pm
  • Those three boys are uterly stupid. -.- I've had people mock me for not being religious or doing what other people my age do, too. I'm sorry you had to go through this, Jules. Arms
    April 21st, 2013 at 03:29pm
  • And this is why I love not being in high school anymore. There is some arrogant and rude people in this world. I had a friend who was treated the same when her step dad DIED. She literally got made fun of because her step dad died. I kicked the crap out of the girls chair and screamed at her until she pissed herself. File

    If I was placed in that situation I would A) got violent. It's usually my place to go. B) gone with it and started speaking in "tongue" and freaking the out. C) or did both. Then strangling the boys. I sh!t you not I would have really hurt someone.

    If they continue get the law on them. What the boys are doing can get them in enough trouble they won't mess with you. If it doesn't and the school won't do anything, go to the news. They know how to blow a story up. Seriously though, go to the principle in private. Or a trusted teacher because then you can have backup.
    April 21st, 2013 at 03:02pm
  • I went through something similar in high school too, except it was flipped around. I was harassed for being Christian. You should talk to somebody with your school administration. This is completely unacceptable behavior. In the mean time, keep to your beliefs, and stay strong, girl! Don't let asses like that ruin you. Keep trucking!
    April 21st, 2013 at 02:21pm
  • I went through something similar in high school too, except it was flipped around. I was harassed for being Christian. You should talk to somebody with your school administration. This is completely unacceptable behavior.
    April 21st, 2013 at 02:18pm
  • How you did not become violent I will never know. I would have slapped the kids when they touched my food. And I probably would have stood up, slammed my hand down on the lunch table and screamed for everyone to get the fuck away from my atheist ass before it rubbed off on them. I also would have told that girl she was pathetic for crying, friend or not.

    I don't have a good temper in situations like that, so I respect you majorly for not completely going off.
    April 21st, 2013 at 12:53pm
  • I seriously would've punched them.
    Like, I'm violent, but not to the point of getting myself in trouble.

    It's utterly disgusting how someone could think you need help because you're not Christian. I sort of know the feeling, because I had rumours about myself spread that I was a Satanist (just because I wrote an article for English), and people were saying rude stuff and mocking exorcisms and stuff. I just wanted to murder something.

    But for something like being Aethiest. What the fuck. There are millions of aethiests. People are allowed to believe what thet fucking want without anyone telling them otherwise.
    April 21st, 2013 at 11:51am
  • That is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in my life.
    Good on you for standing up to them, but honestly, if they're not going to respect you after you've politely declined, then you have permission to mock them. It sounds childish, but unless you tell them "EXCUSE ME I LIKE RAPING GOATS AND STABBING PEOPLE IN THE EYE BECAUSE I HAVE NO MORALS WITHOUT RELIGION" they might not leave you alone Coffee You may as well have fun with your atheism. It's what I do. They've already made their minds up on you, so you've got nothing to lose Wink
    April 21st, 2013 at 11:00am
  • Image

    Why do people like this exist? Why do the nicest people have to be surrounded by them? Why? JUST WHY?!
    Julia, I'm sorry you have to endure those guys at school. You are officially a role model of mine now. I don't know how you haven't kicked their butts yet. I would have lost it, especially over the food. I love food. Lol
    But seriously, just reading this makes me want to write a strongly worded letter to your school and the board and the President, too.

    And I hate how they just ganged up on you to talk about Jesus and crap. Dafuq? I mean, they just don't get the concept of America, do they? People came here for religious freedom. It just boggles my mind how ignorant people can be. You're not a zombie that can just join any religion because they think it's great or something. That's definitely a no-no. And I can't believe that your friend did that, too! I'm like, steaming right now just thinking about it.

    Talk to your school, though. I mean, I think that's the best way to go about this. If they don't do something, let your parents know and go to the school board. I would not put up with their crap like that. I'd threaten their jobs. Lol
    April 21st, 2013 at 09:20am
  • Those three boys are examples of despicable human beings. Have you talked to someone, who is not a kid and immature, yet? Like what Alexander Bernadotte said, have you talked about this to your school?

    So what if you're not Christian? Everyone is entitled to believe what they want! Everyone has the right to free will, am I right? (although I read somewhere that there is scientific evidence that there is no free will) What these boys are doing is discrimination. According to the United Nations, everyone is born free, entitled to equal rights and to be treated equally. Discriminating you because of religion is basically disregarding that law. The Declaration on the Eliminanation of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination based on Religious or Belief can be a great help to you if you want to defend yourself but I doubt that with their little, closed-minded minds, they'll be able to understand what they're doing.
    April 21st, 2013 at 08:29am
    kids are so messed up today like WHAT
    If this happened at my school, or really, anywhere in my state people would just be like 'um wtf you freaks' to the assholes who are bullying you. BECAUSE OF RELIGION
    I know religion is a touchy subject and to each their own and that, but WHAT
    I can't even.
    That is so rude.
    And I'm so proud of you sticking it to them and being like, 'you know what, NO I'M NOT GOING TO FORCE MY BELIEFS FOR YOU FUCKERS'

    There are some shitty things that kids do, but this is just. Ugh.
    April 21st, 2013 at 08:21am
  • Kids are so shitty, my God. Have you talked to the dean of your school about what's going on? :(
    April 21st, 2013 at 07:54am