Am I or aren't I? I'm actually quite scared. - Comments

  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    Woahhh :L Thanks for the warning Very Happy
    April 29th, 2013 at 05:30pm
  • Be careful to not over do it. That same friend had too much and he ended up trying to become straight and tried to have sex with all us girls. It was so bad, we had to lock him in the bathroom because he was puking so bad. Facepalm

    My friends have issues Mr. Green
    April 29th, 2013 at 05:09pm
  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    It's a shame that people treat others differently when they say they're gay/lesbian or whatever it is, because they're really just the same person they've always been. :/
    That's really quite funny with the pansexual thing and your ex Ha Ha
    I'll have to try the spiked punch on my friends..hehehe...
    April 29th, 2013 at 05:04pm
  • Oops, must have misread then. That was my problem. I thought my friends were more understanding, they were but I was treated differently. It's good you have real friends to support you then. None of my "friends" know my sexuality these days. I label myself as pansexual and the only person to really know that is an ex boyfriend because he thinks that's sexy Facepalm

    Spiked punch can make everyone talk.
    April 29th, 2013 at 03:09pm
  • @ Psychotic Secrets
    Spiked punch...Drunk My friends aren't really bothered about bisexual/lesbian/gay people, I actually have a friend who is lesbian. But thanks very much for the comment, it's helped.

    @ Airi.
    I don't want to be at war with myself, I have nothing wrong with it but I guess it's just a shock? And thanks for suggesting the LGBTQ center (although I don't know if there's one where I live so I'll look on the internet) I wouldn't have thought of that to be honest. Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it. Arms
    April 29th, 2013 at 08:53am
  • It's best to not rush or worry too much about coming out to people. If you do decide to come out, you should do it when you are more comfortable doing it. Everyone is different so everyone has different times when they are ready to come out with something like this. I've been an open lesbian since I was around 14, but I am still in the closest with my family and probably will be for many more years to come. I do my best to hide it from them because no is not the right time for them to find out. So you see, everyone is different and there's no shame in waiting to come out. For some people, waiting might just be the better option to take. The right time will come and when it does, you will know. But until that time comes, don't stress yourself out too much worrying about coming out to your friends and family. It'll only make things a lot more harder.

    You sound really at war with yourself over your sexuality, I think it's better for you to come to terms with it and accept it first before you consider telling people who might react badly to it. Loving ourselves is the first step in the coming out process, we all need to learn to accept our sexuality. Just remember, there is nothing wrong with being bisexual. It's perfectly normal and actually, bisexuality is quite common in females it seems. There's nothing wrong with you or your sexuality. I know at first, deep down, it may feel like there is but you've just got to keep reminding yourself that that isn't true. Keep reminding yourself about all of the good things and rid your mind of the bad. It'll take a while but I'm positive you will be able to do it.

    Is there like a LGBTQ center in your area that you could possibly go to without your family finding out? If not, there are LGBTQ websites that can be helpful. You can search around Google for some. There are a lot of forums that specialize in LGBTQ issues and they can help you come to terms with your sexuality. Having support can be a big aid.

    If you ever need someone to talk to, you can send me a message. I've gone through all of this myself so I know how it feels. Sometimes it can be a big help to just vent to someone. Arms
    April 29th, 2013 at 12:56am
  • You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to. It's no one business but yours. My sexual preference is mine to know and I've only allowed Mibba and my partners know. Don't be scared, it's okay. If you are afraid someone will lash out at you, then they aren't your real friends.

    I tried to come out as bisexual when I was in school. It didn't go well because there is arrogant assholes in this world. If you want people to know that's your choice. If it makes you feel better a good friend of mine knew he was gay since he was in 5th grade and didn't tell his parents until he as a junior in high school. He hid all his partners from them for so long. He regrets nothing, until you give him a bit of spiked punch Mr. Green

    If you want you can wait until you find friends who are more mature in these kinds situations.
    April 29th, 2013 at 12:35am