don't really know what to say... - Comments

  • Goldyfish

    Goldyfish (100)

    @The Zac
    That is all easier said than done or seen.
    April 30th, 2013 at 04:40am
  • The Zac

    The Zac (100)

    "no one else can possibly understand."

    That's straight up bullshit mate. There's billions of people on this Earth. And there's been billions more who are no longer here. There is not a single problem in the world that someone else hasn't dealt with before successfully. Find someone who can help you. You're not a burden if they're willing. More often then not, if a person has overcome a problem, they're happy to help someone else with the same or a similar issue.

    Also, do your schoolwork. You'll feel even more shitty if you fail school. Work hard and enjoy it when it pays off for you. It does wonders for your self esteem to put a lot of effort into something and do well.

    Your friends might not get it but they are there. Even if you're not dumping your problems on them, just hanging out and having fun will help. Have a laugh. Get out of your own head for a while and just enjoy things. Go to a party or go clubbing (if you're old enough). Drink too much. Do something new. If you do the same shit over and over again and keep feeling the same, it's not helping.

    Work hard. Have fun. Seek help. It's won't be easy but it is that simple.
    April 29th, 2013 at 06:58am