~13 Deep Thinking Questions~ - Comments

  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    @ Diamond Bunny.
    May 11th, 2013 at 08:58pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    Family is one of the most important things to me. :) But they were really interesting.
    May 11th, 2013 at 08:43pm
  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    @ Diamond Bunny.
    Thanks for answering!
    I liked your response (and everyone else's' of course) and I can see that your family means the world to you.
    May 11th, 2013 at 08:41pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    1. I probably wouldn't. While I would love to say that I would do this, that, and the other I don't think that I would. I'm pretty happy where I am right now. I have people who care and love me, and at the end of my life I don't care about, "yeah I climbed this mountain." I want to be surrounded by those I've touched, by family and friends who have been there for me, because in the end that's what truly matters to me.

    2. If I could change one thing it would be hostility. All hostility has ever done is hurt people, but thinking of it you begin to realize it has also shaped who we are today, so without it would we truly be happy?

    3. Failing. Hands down, I would rather spend my days wondering what if, then my days telling me what a failure I am in one aspect and how much of a failure I'd be in another.

    4.Yes. My greatest fear was losing my family, I didn't realize how permanent death actually is, which sounds stupid. But when someone's gone, they're gone for good. Which I've always known that, but I didn't know how it felt to truly be alone.

    5. My Aunt and Uncle, I don't know where I would be without them, or who I would be for that matter.

    6. I would rather never be able to make new ones. The people I care most about I can never make new memories with them ever again, and I would never want to forget the memories that I was able to make with them while they're here.

    7. Depends on who was feeling the lonliest.

    8. No. I've never wanted to be famous in the first place, it seems like too much trouble especially with all the hate I would get from people that I didn't know just because a few other people do know me. Also, attractiveness is different from person to person, so there would always be someone who would think that I'm not attractive.

    9. Yes, of course. You can lie with body language.

    10. I wouldn't say that it's really either. Crying is crying and you do it for many different reasons. It doesn't make your strong or weak, it shows that you are either in touch with your emotions or you aren't.

    11. Of course. No doubt in my mind if I knew that I had to, then I would.
    May 11th, 2013 at 08:37pm
  • ebony_goddess

    ebony_goddess (200)

    United Kingdom
    @ January Rose
    I know, me too. It's too scary
    May 2nd, 2013 at 01:18am
  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    @ ebony_goddess
    I really hope you don't Sad
    May 2nd, 2013 at 01:05am
  • ebony_goddess

    ebony_goddess (200)

    United Kingdom
    @ January Rose
    Lol shhh its a secret and yeah, like its kinda genetic in my family. Like all my uncles died of it and I've just been scared of it since then really. Because I'm scared I'll die of it too.
    May 2nd, 2013 at 12:46am
  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    @ ebony_goddess
    Thanks for answering my questions! Smile
    Cancer is horrible, and I hope that fear never comes true for you or anyone else for that matter.
    #5 doesn't sound cheesy. I'm really grateful for the people I have in my life too.
    You break the law? How?
    May 2nd, 2013 at 12:43am
  • ebony_goddess

    ebony_goddess (200)

    United Kingdom
    1. Yeah definitely
    2. Get rid of everything bad
    3. I would say failing. It's the worst feeling ever.
    4. No, I'm scared of cancer
    5. Sounds really cheesy but friends and family
    6. Never be able to make new ones. The memories I have right now. They're the best. Especially my high school years, I can't replace those ever, even if I got new ones.
    7.Friends and family
    8. I know alot of gorgeous famous people who aint happy, well according to the media. I don't think it's worth it.
    9. Yeah.
    10. I think it is a sign of strength. It's being true to your feelings. However, if you do it unnecessarily like when your pencil breaks or just crying when you really shouldn't be crying, that is just weakness.
    11. I always break the law, so it wouldn't really kill me to do so for the one I love.
    May 1st, 2013 at 11:37pm
  • fault_in_our_stars

    fault_in_our_stars (100)

    United States
    @ January Rose
    Also, would you read my blog I posted about an hour or so ago? It's the only one I have for now so please and thank you if you do!
    May 1st, 2013 at 03:26am
  • fault_in_our_stars

    fault_in_our_stars (100)

    United States
    @ January Rose
    Oh, see that makes sense! Yes, I do love that show!!!
    You're welcome!
    May 1st, 2013 at 03:24am
  • January Rose

    January Rose (100)

    @ Luv_Harry_Styles
    Thanks for answering my questions! Smile
    Number 5 is kind of tricky because if you lose all your memories, then you have to start life all over again. What I mean to say by that question (and I'll fix this in my blog entry after I'm done posting this) is would you rather lose all your good and bad memories (but still be able to talk, write, read..ect) or not be able to make new memories?
    I have seen the show Lie To Me and I love it. I love how Cal is able to tell whether someone is lying or not.
    May 1st, 2013 at 03:05am
  • fault_in_our_stars

    fault_in_our_stars (100)

    United States
    1. I would probably try to set some goals and actually go through with them instead of setting them aside and doing them last minute or not at all.

    2. I would make a "No Violence" policy, and if they didn't follow it, they would be out to death...which I know kind of overrules my "no violence" policy but whatever, I answered the honestly so...yeah.

    3. Never trying. If you don't try, then what's the point of living life? Life is full of taking risks and making mistakes and learning from them.

    4. No, and I don't plan on it ever coming true. My greatest fear is probably becoming really, really fat. I'm not perfect, I know that but I'm really self-conscious about my weight for some reason and I think it kind of lowers my self-esteem...

    Most grateful for?

    I'd have to say freedom too. The freedom to have your own personal thoughts and emotions is probably a big factor for me.

    5. I don't know if I want to answer this one, because I sort of over-thought about it. If you lose all of your old memories, then how can you make new ones without losing them? Technically, they become old memories after they're made, so...how does that work? Also, if you can't make new ones, then how would you live anymore? Life is all about making memories and stuff...I can't answer this one...sorry...

    6. I would visit my family and close friends too.
    And yeah, I totally agree that would suck.

    7. Nope! I'm good with the famous and attractiveness :D
    But seriously, I wouldn't want to give up part of my life for something that I could possibly not enjoy after a while. The whole point of having a life is to live it!

    8. Yes...have you ever seen the show Lie To Me? Well, if you haven't you should check it out.

    9. Strength. I only cry when I can't take things anymore. I mean, sure, it could be A weakness but it's not all about weakness. It's about strength too and the fact that, when a person cries, it's because they've been strong for so long, that's the only choice left to do.

    10. I probably would, because I think of others before myself and especially if it's a loved one.
    May 1st, 2013 at 02:50am