drunk nights out || god, the embarrassment || your experiences? - Comments

  • killa thot.

    killa thot. (100)

    United Kingdom
    @allbluerose omg haha xD i have never been arrested but I don't think I would get away with it as easily lol I am a loud and obvious drunk
    May 23rd, 2013 at 07:48pm
  • Albluerose

    Albluerose (205)

    United States
    sorry for speling errors I'm on my phone so its *I used to* not ie oils. lol
    May 23rd, 2013 at 07:36pm
  • Albluerose

    Albluerose (205)

    United States
    that's awesome. when I used to party ie oils drink and smoke pot, so I was extra fucked up. one time I was a party and we were out side, I was sitting on the roof of my friends car with my legs in his sun roof. so I'm sitting there all drunk and listening to the music, all of a sudden the music stops but I'm so fucked up that I didn't care and my friends go "amber" I turn and there's a cop standing there staring at me. I then noticed the cop car behind us. lol. I lied my ass off about my age and got away with it. Lmao. the other good think is,when I'm drunk you can't really tell until I start talking or walking.

    another time, a few friends and me went to the pier and were drinking mass ammounts of beer. I drank 17 small cans and still was able to walk. so we were sitting there drinking and when we went back up to the parking lot there was a massive party going on with like 40 cars and mass ammount of people. they weren't there when we had gotten the pier earlier. lol.

    I have had some pretty crazy night's, I fell in the middle of the street and this kid I hated saved me. I got so drunk I almost barfed on someone, went for a car ride drunk and stoned made nicknames for me and a friend, had a massive party where I got so wasted that people got mad at me for blunt hoping and I smacked some kid in the face that passed out while rolling a blunt standing up. he didn't wake up, lol. he was robbed of 300$ and his weed Lml.

    I just wrote you and essay.
    May 23rd, 2013 at 07:35pm
  • killa thot.

    killa thot. (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ ShelbehRaexD OMG FUCK NO ROLLING never trust your best friends while drunk; EVER. they will make you play beer pong, lol
    May 4th, 2013 at 12:41am
  • after all this time;

    after all this time; (100)

    My boyfriend had a party at his house with all his friends. I was there obviously, and I have a very low tolerance for alcohol. I'm the biggest light weight around.

    Anyway, I have a six pack of Smirnoff ice, drinking away, and I make it to the second one before I get really drunk. So my boyfriends best friend, Scott, decided, "Hey let's play beer pong!" and promptly dragged me to the opposite team (we played in pairs) because he knew I was drunk and that I'd be an easy target.

    Now, let me tell you, smirnoff ice is not a beer pong drink. It had been my first time drinking it and little did I know that it's strong and I do not recommend using it for anything other than sipping on from the can/bottle.

    Anyway, I got first shot and I sunk it into Scott's cup. We used two ping pong balls so my partner gave me the other ping pong ball and I sunk it into Scott's cup again. This was the first time I had ever played beer pong so at this point I was feeling fuckin' invincible.

    Until it was Scott's turn. Every fuckin' shot he sank into my cups, so I was chugging smirnoff ice every which way and angle. By the time we got to the last cup on each side, I was completely shit-faced.

    Scott put the ball into my cup first and I had to drink it. So I took one sip, said, "I gotta walk and drink this, hang on!" walked to the bathroom, and threw my guts up.

    No one saw me, thank god, but it's all a blur after that and then I wake up in a giant cuddle session with my boyfriend, all of my boyfriends friends, and my boyfriends friends girlfriend. We were in the living room, all in one giant pile, with red solo cups, pink silly string, a giant automated santa claus singing 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas' and a bunch of frozen hot dogs scattered everywhere.

    I never played beer pong with smirnoff ice or his friends again.
    May 4th, 2013 at 12:32am
  • killa thot.

    killa thot. (100)

    United Kingdom
    OMG I AM ROLLING, !! Drunk
    May 3rd, 2013 at 10:35pm
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    This guy who kept hitting on me told me that my smile was like cocaine to him, and that was saying something because he loved cocaine. lmfao Facepalm
    May 3rd, 2013 at 10:29pm
  • killa thot.

    killa thot. (100)

    United Kingdom
    oh, god, how horrible xD that happened to my friend once, except without the whole Eastern Kentucky and the one-armed guy. They decided that going camping at 3 o'clock in the morning while completely wasted was a good idea. And then they ended up in some weird guy's campsite getting drunk with a bunch of fifty year-olds *face palm*.
    May 3rd, 2013 at 10:15pm
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    Well... After a friend of mine's family / friend birthday party six of us decided to have an after party. In our other friend's family's hunting cabin in the middle of NO WHERE. It was raining so much that night and long story short, when three of our friends were trying to leave (two of them drunk, the other knew he'd have to drive.) they got lost in the woods at like 2AM. They were only found when these two guys came and got my friend and I to take us to a party at some guy's house who only had one arm.

    I didn't know where we were going but the guy whose family owned the cabin was getting violent and stupidly drunk so we left to get away from him. The birthday girl was screaming in the back of the car that came for my friend and I because she was still drunk and soaked from the rain and terrified. Some guy who had problems with the muscles in his legs was driving and almost drove us off a cliff.

    Then at the party and the one armed guy's house, there were fights and this guy named Pete who was old enough to be my dad kept calling me and my friend "little honies."

    It was AWFUL. We didn't get home until 10 AM the next morning. And to paint a better picture of the place I was at - I was in the backwoods of Eastern Kentucky. I could practically hear the banjos. Facepalm
    May 3rd, 2013 at 10:11pm