It sucks, but it's life, and we all know that life isn't fair. - Comments

  • DreamxWriter

    DreamxWriter (100)

    United States
    I agree with you. Faced this all through grade school and I still face it now in college. It's this though one small portion of duty that I'm hoping to become a teacher and hopefully make a change in that because seriously it's annoying to see nobody do anything. I remember going to the guidance counselor once in middle school and sure students who were bullying me and even the whole school got spoken to about it, but that didn't do anything, if anything it made matters worst because more students would step up to plate and those who were spoken to and got in trouble might of straighten out there act and acted nicer to me for the rest of the year, the following year they were back to their old tricks. I would hope to one day come up with a solution to this or at least be that one teacher who watches it and notices it before a student either hurts themselves or embarrass themselves by going to a counselor.
    May 6th, 2013 at 11:00pm