Do Not 'Settle Down' - Comments

  • tigermilk

    tigermilk (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think there's a difference between settling down and settling for someone. it might just be where I'm from but settling down, for me, implies being in a long term relationship, with mutual expectations of the relationship and moving in together, starting a family or getting engaged to be married, that kind of thing and settling for someone is exactly how you described in your post.

    also, @sorceress:. pardon me for saying this but onision is a massive prick.
    May 8th, 2013 at 10:33am
  • cosmic pixel

    cosmic pixel (100)

    United States
    Onision (he's a youtuber) said it best. Just because you love someone and stuff doesn't mean that you're compatable with them. It doesn't mean it was meant to be. I think that way looking back on the relationship I just got out of. Just because we loved eachother didn't mean that being together forever was a fantastic idea or anything. Just because I broke up with him doesn't mean I never loved him or vice versa, things just needed to end, and that's how relationships work. And you know what; anyone that says "You should marry x" are not part of the relationship, therefore they don't know what exactly you want or are looking for, and whether or not he/she is good for you. People tell me I should settle down because that's what people do, well, I'm perfectly happy being single right now. I always felt like I should have a boyfriend because that's what everyone else had. Well, you are the only person who can make yourself truly happy and if not settling down, settling down with who you have now, being single, being with someone but not marrying them, ect. is what makes you happy then who the hell is anyone to stop you? Sorry, this blog got me excited. ^.^
    May 7th, 2013 at 05:20pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    THis blog. I've been told I should date and marry "X" because he was good looking and i would make pretty/beautiful babies with him. Sure, he's good looking, but does he have the right personality I'm looking for? Like is he going to be nice and considerate or is he going to be a dick and be interested in other women while being tied down to me? Pfft, I don't go for people based off their looks alone. I'd rather go for someone's personality because i like thier personality, not because someone says I would have pretty babies with the said person since me and "X" look awesome and cute together.
    May 7th, 2013 at 04:24pm
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    This whole blog.
    Crazy YES.

    And that was a perfect analogy.

    I'm tired of being looked at as some sort of pariah because I haven't had a boyfriend.
    Sorry, I'm not into "just dating someone because they're ____ or ____." I haven't any attraction for someone
    like that to pursue a relationship. It's not them, it's me. I don't want to waste my time with a short fling,
    that's not how I am. If other people like that, cool. Just don't force your ideas of it on me.
    May 7th, 2013 at 04:08pm