When Eyes Don't Match - Comments

  • jonjonlovesrice

    jonjonlovesrice (100)

    United States
    @Sorceress :
    I know the feeling. I just wanna live with morals and be on the right path.
    But I have one stupid fucking Christian friend that thinks if we don't meet at views, that I'm going to hell, and he supposedly wants to save me??
    I'm damned for eternity until I choose to believe what he believes, but his decisions are more reckless then mine??
    I'm not saying all Christians are stupid. I'm just saying he shouldn't push his faith down my throat, point out my flaws, then say trying to save me.
    What kind of savior makes someone feel like shit?
    That's like a give and take. Hey, you're cool, but you're going to Hell.

    May 10th, 2013 at 09:39am
  • cosmic pixel

    cosmic pixel (100)

    United States
    I'm Catholic and I've tried pretty much every other religion out there through my life, and I don't understand why people fight about it. I mean... if you believe in God, then you believe in God. If you don't then you don't; why do you need everyone around you to have your opinion, and vice versa? I love talking to people about their religions because I find it fascinating all the different ideas in this world and what it means to them as an individual. What I don't love is people who want to make it a pissing contest and prove you wrong by all means possible because they're so damn right in everything. In all honesty; there's no way of knowing you were right until you die. I'm not going to know for certain that the God I believe in exists until I die; Scientologists aren't going to know for certain aliens exist until they're probed by one, and Athiests aren't going to know there is no God until they die and... whatever Athiests believe is going to happen to them after death, lmao. I don't understand why we all need to argue, and it makes me sad that religion- something that's supposed to make people better -turns people into jerks sometimes.
    May 9th, 2013 at 04:09pm