An Old Friend - Comments

  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    i was thinking of you today, which was the strangest thing. i think it’s because of our old notes i found—full of story ideas & what not. i find them every now & again when i’m cleaning & i can’t bring myself to throw it away. i hope you’re doing well. i hope life is treating you as well as you’re treating yourself.

    i’m slowly on my way to finishing my first novel & sendig it out for publishing. almost there. i remember when we would write stories & listen to e/o prattle on our chatbox. those were the easiest & most sincerest & greatest of days. i miss when things were that innocent & carefree
    May 19th, 2018 at 11:57pm
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    it's been three years since you posted this blog & since i posted that response below as well. & sometimes i still find myself with you on my mind, especially when the aftermath of this world catches up to me.

    it's so funny that our lives were so dependent on one the point that re-reading this (yes, i do re-read this from time to time) makes me realize how toxic we were for one another when in fact we tried so hard to believe we weren't.

    i do think about you. sometimes i wish i could just call you up, ask you out, head out for some coffee, & just talk about everything that's happened. because so much has happened between the both of us. & as the years go by, i can only look back & thank all the love & hate that brought us up & took us back down
    November 21st, 2016 at 05:45am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    ...where do i start?

    idk if im meant to comment on this or if it'll change anything, but i'll have to try & find out. friendships do hurt especially if it was anything like ours. it's been half a year & i've tried moving on like everyone says. it's funny bc i've been focusing a hell lot more on homework//school just to stop thinking or feeling that brand of emptiness you left inside of me.

    @ least when you left, you turned me into a nerd.

    the pain always comes when you wake up & there is no more work to do. i have lost the ability to play games or read books bc then my mind wanders to that soft, mushy part in my chest.

    took me up until yesterday to finally get on, remember that shit? god, how many nights were we up playing that?? certain things get to you, don't they? it's a nostalgic feeling for sure. they get to me too. under the circumstance that we parted, it was good to get a new look @ the world & see the beauty & rage of it all. i promise you, im not the nikki i was, the one you knew. i've learned to do things on my own & w/o you. i've learned to see things w/ a new perspective. maybe you were holding me back & maybe it was vice versa.

    i have enough pride to say this: you're right. you won't ever have me back even if that's what you want. you know me so well that even past that, you left. you know me so well that when i said that i was getting better - w/ the whole truth on my tongue - you refused to believe me. i am full of pride, but i am also done w/ you, you're right.

    but even if anything were to happen, whatever we happened to fix, it'll never be like before. is if that's what you're expecting? it's not going to happen. & maybe it's best we don't stay friends. maybe it's best that we never talk to e/o again.
    May 12th, 2013 at 11:16pm