One Direction fans. - Comments

  • I noticed this.
    I'm a huge Directioner, but all those "Directioners" that tell others to go kill themselves because they don't like One Direction or stuff like that, I just feel they deserve the biggest slap/punch in the face. For me, if you don't like One Direction, that's fine. Everyone is different right? Not everyone likes Justin Bieber. Not everyone likes Fall Out Boy. Not everyone likes Linkin Park. Not everyone likes Katy Perry. It's not like that, right?
    I found all the Directioners on this website so calm and friendly and peaceful, these are what TRUE Directioners are. That they don't immediately rush into, "OMG You don't have tickets to their concerts, what a Directionator" or stuff like that. There was this one girl on another website I used to go on to talk and a lot of people weren't in to One Direction and she would be all like, "Oh my gosh how do you not like 1D you fucking piece of crap you should go kill yourself."
    Anywho, I freaking love you for posting this. Hail Arms
    (I just made my own comment-blog. LMAO!)
    May 26th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • I've noticed this too. The 1D fans here are so mellow and sweet. On Tumblr and Twitter and at my school, the 1D fans tend to be particularly violent and defensive. When you tell them you don't like 1D very much, they just go insane. But here they're so open-minded and calm. c:
    May 20th, 2013 at 04:55pm
  • You're just amazing for writing this, thank you! Hail Hug
    May 19th, 2013 at 02:58pm
  • @ iMusic-Freak
    I've done the same with a 1D fan fiction and she thought it was extremely cool that even though I didn't like 1D that I still gave their story a shot. I was almost scared to put it, because if it was on a social media site, someone would probably bash me for not liking 1D.

    @ BeccaVengeance
    Aww! You're welcome, I'm glad you loved this! <3

    @ DaniGates
    Aww! You're too kind! <3
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:29am
  • @ Death The Angel
    I'm glad! =)

    @ dj malik.
    That's exactly why I love Mibba. I would have never got to know the One Direction fans that are so nice and caring.

    @ Clara.
    THANK YOU for the complement! I know what you mean and it can get a bit irritating sometimes, but I just remind myself that not all One Directions fans are like that.
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:25am
  • @ Mischief Izzy
    haha, very true! c;
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:22am
  • @ Mischief Izzy
    Thank you, thank you. That is all so very true. Directioners scare me and I am one of those and I am scared to tell people I am one, because of the fact that they frighten me.
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:20am
  • My HERO!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:18am
  • THIS!
    I wish I could LOVE this!
    So instead I'll just recommend it and say thank you.
    Thank you kind stranger Hail Arms
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:07am
  • Well said. I have to agree with you. I have noticed that more 1D fans here aren't as violent as they are on Twitter or Tumblr. I think even maybe some of them on Facebook are brutal.

    I read a 1D fanfiction (which I barely do) and I have to admit, the story was cute. So, I commented her and I quote, "Okay, normally I don't read any 1D fanfiction, but I came across this and it's not bad. Nice work. (: I might just stay and subscribe to it." End quote.

    She was so understanding and kind and was happy she got a non-Directioner to read it. It made me feel good about myself somehow. Mr. Green All in all, 1D fans rock now! Just not the Twitter & Tumblr kind.
    May 19th, 2013 at 03:52am
  • I have to say first off THANK YOU :D because I've noticed the One Direction, and of course other bands that fans like on here are way more mature and do not have psycho attacks over everything.

    I listen to a lot of music and also a huge fan of Avenged Sevenfold (I'm wearing the large shirt of them right now, worn out on the arm pits now since 6th grade) and find that fans who don't freak out or disrespect everyone involved both fans and the musicians themselves are ones I can get along with.

    Some of the people on twitter and tumblr make me scared because these girls (only because I've hardly seen the male react this way) are out right rude and don't even care for how their words or actions reflect on everyone.

    This blog post was very good :)
    May 19th, 2013 at 02:19am
  • This is really sweet, and I want to say from one A7X fan to another that we all appreciate and respect other people's music taste. Hug
    May 19th, 2013 at 01:51am
  • This is actually a really cute blog :) I "awwwed" at it
    May 19th, 2013 at 01:35am
  • The ones on Twitter scare me the most. But here they're calm and don't use so many exclamation points.
    May 19th, 2013 at 01:12am