sometimes I feel like people blow plagiarism a little out of proportion - Comments

  • @ turducken
    Actually, the original of my story WAS altered, most people didn't know I had written it, and it became a walking internet joke that would have been considered EXTREME bashing on Mibba. I was called names and given death threats for trying to get plagiarized versions pulled down.

    I totally understand why people get bent out of shape about plagiarism.
    May 22nd, 2013 at 01:00am
  • Exactly, I 1000% agree. I mean, it's awful and downright rude, illegal, etc., but some people just need to calm their tits. sheesh.
    May 21st, 2013 at 04:50am
  • I agree with this. I mean plagiarism isn't cool but you don't have to act like you just found out Santa doesn't exist if it happens. Just deal with it in a mature way.
    May 21st, 2013 at 03:18am
  • I totally agree with you. I got a story of mine stolen and the girl copied it word from word. All she did was change the OC names. I was like "WOW REALLY BITCH" at first, then I just laughed and felt kinda flattered tbh. Like, this person thought my story was so good that they stole it. I didn't go nuts and vow never to write again and cry in a corner. I just told the site.

    When I was in the 1D fandom once upon a time, I'd see so many girls posting blogs about how their story was plagiarized and how they felt like their heart was ripped out and peed on and spit on and pooped on and beat to a pulp and then put in a blender...they'd say they were running away from Mibba and I'd just be like O.O okay...

    Idk I just feel like with stuff like that if you wanna write and especially post stuff online, you need to buck up and accept that it happens and move on. Why let something like that stop you if you leave it so much, ya know.
    May 21st, 2013 at 01:58am
  • I agree. I know I work my ass off but you are right, I still have my story. It's still mine, even if someone else claimed it. I have this problem with photos. I had a few photoshoots and a girl ripped them off and claimed them as her own. Though writing and photos are very different Think the idea is still there.

    I completely understand people getting upset. But freaking out? Nope. No justification other than immaturity there. Well in my opinion at least.

    I also agree with Katie. Many don't know the real meaning so sometimes people freak over the slightest thing. It's like me claiming every angel story is a rip off mine because once upon a time I wrote one.

    Plus to be brutally honest, I think if a person is so afraid of being "ripped off" they shouldn't put themselves in the situation. They shouldn't post their story online, where the world has access, and expect nothing to happen. Isn't that what we all are aware of joining Mibba? Mibba is amazing with plagiarism but no one can completely stop it if its made public. Sure it sucks ass, but as you said, the world isn't ending.
    May 21st, 2013 at 01:04am
  • I was thinking the exact same thing.
    I mean. There's a way to verify and report plagiarism. It's not all lost.
    To tell the truth, if someone would steal my story I'd feel flattered. Of course I'd report to the admins all the while thinking "MWAHAHAHA YOU'RE SO SCREWED".
    But yeah. I'd feel flattered.
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:36am
  • v. Yeah I understand a story is a piece of you, you worked your ass for it, but that person hasn't stolen it away from you. It's still your story. The original has not been altered at all. I don't find it be like an iPod because if you get your iPod stolen you no longer have that iPod. That iPod is gone from you. That I can understand someone getting angry over, but if someone has copied your story they haven't changed your original, your original is still there. It's not like they took it off the site/your computer.

    I don't think it's right, again. But most sites handle it pretty seriously and take it off pretty quickly. If say, the site left it up or you weren't able to take it down within a week, then I can understand someone getting really upset over it. But in my experience (again, I don't know how it differs from yours) it's pretty wam bam thank you sam and over with really quickly. And since your story is still up, unchanged, it's basically like it never really happened. You haven't lost anything.
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:36am
  • A story can be a piece of you. What if you worked your ass of on that story, cried over it, blah blah blah. Stories are blood sometimes. That's why people can freak out.

    I had one story stolen over 30 times and a few other stories plagiarized as well. I don't think I blew it out of proportion. I think the people who are like 'well, it's just a story, don't get your panties in a wad about me stealing it' are blowing it under proportion.

    It's illegal. It's against the LAW. If someone stole your iPod, that would also be against the law. People have a right to freak out when their intellectual property is stolen. They worked hard on it, harder than getting an iPod for Christmas.
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:30am

    v. I just want to tell everyone to... clam themselves. tehe
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:29am
  • wrc:
    I feel like people do the "sky is falling" for too many damn things these days. It's like, WE ARE ALIVE AND BREATHING, CLAM YOURSELF! XD
    Clam yourself lmfao (THAT MADE ME LAUGH TOO HARD)
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:27am
  • I feel like people do the "sky is falling" for too many damn things these days. It's like, WE ARE ALIVE AND BREATHING, CLAM YOURSELF! XD
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:26am
  • A lot of people also have misconceptions about what plagiarism actually is. Some people think that if both stories are set on the moon, have a romance with Channing Tatum, and both have main characters who have a best friend named Jesus, then they're being plagiarized XD - which isn't always the case.
    May 21st, 2013 at 12:25am