My Love of The Horror Genre - Comments

  • La Notte Dei Demoni.

    La Notte Dei Demoni. (155)

    United Kingdom
    @ xXLoveForEternityXx
    I love how Paranormal Activity tried to revitalize the 'haunted house' kind of horror, and the found footage format that alluded to The Blair Witch Project was a smart move. You can never go wrong with some Japanese horror movies - they know how to creep people out! But sometimes the remakes just fail to achieve the same atmosphere, that's what I find some of the time.

    @ Psychotic Secrets
    I'm a total gore hound - so the bloodier, the better, in my opinion. I agree that the exploited tropes of horror are tired, but sometimes men and women's nude bodies can be used for all types of gross body horror - rather than just having naked women bounding around and screaming. As for torture, I recently saw a French movie called 'Frontiers' that was pretty creepy, and combined torture with this back wood family added. I like your list, they're all good, solid horror movies - I have heard of The Tingler but I am yet to check it out, it will be going on my 'to watch' list! I also love Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the original 1956 version - it's one of my favourites!

    @ Airi.
    I like found footage, as long as it's done right. It kind of reminds me that you can use different methods to bring different types of horror; different angles and narratives bring something fresh, but by now found footage has been done to death. The Blair Witch is probably the only found footage movie that really creeped me out when I first saw it.
    Asian horror is excellent, I agree, they know how to scare you. A Tale of Two Sisters is amazing, I agree, as well as Ju-On, Dark Water and Ringu. I should check out these Whispering Corridor movies as well as Carved, I'm eager to get into some more foreign horror, some of them are true gems!
    May 25th, 2013 at 08:38pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I'm a really big fan of horror as well, though I'm not as into serial killers and zombie movies as you seem to be. I'm much more into psychological horror and paranormal horror. I'll watch most horror though, except for one type and that is found footage. Found footage is, in my opinion, a mockery of the genre. I hate those sort of movies so much.

    I like a lot of Asian horror, the Japanese and Koreans make excellent horror movies. I don't know if I could pick a favorite horror movie, I've watched so many of them. I think my favorite horror movie changes often. ^^' Right now, I think my favorite would be Wishing Stairs, it's a paranormal Korean horror film that also can be considered psychological. It's the third movie in the Whispering Corridors series, there's five of them though they're not connected. They're just made by the same company and all set in an all-girls high school. My all time favorite psychological horror is definitely A Tale of Two Sisters, it's a Korean film that's really quite amazing.

    Another one of my favorites is Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman, it's based off of the urban legend Kuchisake-onna and I absolutely adore that legend.

    Some other good movies are the One Missed Call movies (Japanese ones), Ju-on (English and Japanese), Ringu, Dark Water (Japanese), Insidious, Whispering Corridors, Memento Mori, Whispering Corridors 4: Voice, Whispering Corridors 5: A Blood Pledge, Cinderella (Korean), Dark Tales of Japan..... That's all I can name off the top of my head. ^^' I know there's a lot more I could name, but I can't think of them right now and I'm pretty sure that's enough haha. c:
    May 25th, 2013 at 06:41am
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    Horror movies define my life.

    I love:

    Child's Play (all of them, including Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky)
    Halloween (original and Rob Zombies's remakes)
    Dead Snow
    Rosemary's Baby
    Puppet Master series
    And a bunch more that I can't think off the top of my dead.

    I like gore. Like full blown, blood spewing into the audience, gore. Also torture so I really enjoyed Chucky. To me it's not a real horror film without blood, tits and screams. File

    That's just me though.

    EDIT: I forgot. The best of the best The Tingler (I think it's spelled that way). It's an older movie and I just love it. I tend to like the b-rated horror movies more.
    May 25th, 2013 at 06:33am
  • Ragdoll.

    Ragdoll. (100)

    A favourite of mine would be Paranormal Activity (the first one - and probably the fourth) because demons scare the shit out of me! That also means anything else with demons and exorcisms. Don't be Afraid of the Dark had a good ending. I'd also say I like The Ring, and The Grudge Mr. Green
    May 25th, 2013 at 06:33am