nothing's ever worth it. - Comments

  • somethingbittersweet

    somethingbittersweet (100)

    From reading your blogs and comments and stories I can tell that you're a really wonderful and talented person.
    And I'm not just saying that, I mean it.

    And it breaks my heart that all of these bad things are happening to you. There is nothing I despise more than a father who harrases their children. A father is supposed to be the leader of the family and its his job to take care of its member. You have done NOTHING wrong and you ARE NOT worthless. Quite the opposite really, I think you are a very very strong person to be able to survive in these kind of situations.

    I will never know and understand the kind of things and pain you are going through, but I am here if you ever need someone to talk to or be your friend.
    It hurts me to see a talented, lovely person such as yourself feels the way you feel. You don't need to prove ANYTHING to your dad, he is the damaged one, NOT you.
    June 3rd, 2013 at 12:26pm
  • PorcelainBlue

    PorcelainBlue (100)

    United States
    I can't say I'll ever understand how you feel. I myself have practically no relationship with my father, and he finally got sick of me and kicked me out last month. i was sexually harassed when i was in puberty by a neighbor that I looked up to and thought of as a fatherly figure. It screwed me up, to a point where it is hard to get close to anyone.

    The point is honey, that you are not alone. You will never be alone, no matter how you feel. Even if your sister or cousin didn't want to discuss it, there are others how are willing to listen. And if you think there isn't, then message me. I will always be there for you, for anyone who ever needs it.

    I wish i had some great advice or words of wisdom to give you. I'm so sorry, because no one deserves these things, especially not a beautiful girl with so much heart like yourself. I can't promise that you'll get over the hate, the embarrassment, the guilt, any feelings you have. Those things are likely to last for a very long time, if not forever. But I can promise that one day, you'll look back and a chip, a tiny scoop of the pain will be gone. You'll find someone that will love you whole, accept everything you come with without one complaint. And you will no longer have to hate so heartily.

    I love you, and please, please come to me if you ever need just a second's reassurance of yourself.
    May 26th, 2013 at 09:49pm
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    You don't need to prove yourself to him. He doesn't owe you a damn thing at all. You're a strong, beautiful girl that I admire highly and you'll be so above him whatever he says or does to you will just be water off a duck's back. <3

    You can find ways to get out of town and go to college. I don't know if that'll fix things, but it'll surely be a step forward. He doesn't deserve you, your mom, or anyone. He is the lowest of the low and one day he will get what he deserves.
    May 26th, 2013 at 08:21pm
  • kyojin;

    kyojin; (100)

    United States
    That is seriously fucked up. But you know what? You're better than him, and that's all that matters. One day you'll have all you're shit together and his life will be falling apart (yeah, Karma is one hell of a bitch) and he'll be at your mercy. He'll always be an ass but maybe he'll realize what he threw away one day or maybe he won't but the point is, one day he'll need you (because people get old and eventually have no one but their kids) and he'll have to come crawling to you for help. I can't tell you what decision to make in that situation- it's your choice- but I hope you prove yourself by being the stronger person. But, no one would blame you for doing the opposite.

    Things are bleak right now, sure. I can't promise that will change soon, but things will get better, if you let them. For sure, tell him ti fuck himself now (you have done nothing to deserve that shitstorm and for sure don't have to put up with it), but you'll get older and things will change and you'll have to face your past eventually.

    So just bare with it for now, okay? And I'm always here if you want to talk. Just send me a message or something, okay? I promise I don't judge.
    May 26th, 2013 at 07:10pm