I like smut plain and simple. - Comments

  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    NEKO. Those Neko drawings. Mine were Neko's. Human in almost every way save for having cat ears, cat eyes, a cat tail and possibly the markings. And some personality traits, though I use them with everything XD
    Nyan meets metal XD

    And I'm still stealing your kitty tehe
    June 26th, 2013 at 02:34pm
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    Eating toasted marshmallows while they warm their little tootsies. Yeah, I need to get out more! XD

    Incredibly tiny!
    Haha! The cat's all "what are you doing to me woman?!" lmfao
    That sounds interesting! Don't scrap it :( Like half cat half human? Lol
    June 23rd, 2013 at 03:45pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    LOLOL now me too xD

    kjghbfiwurgb TINY KITTY!!!! How cute!! Cute
    LOLOL I can imagine XD
    Exactly. That music! Love me the waffle cat haha.
    New Nyan kitty is too tired to Nyan lmfao
    Mine weren't really anything alike except for the lines. Mine were more cat like/humanoid. Like a...whatever that term is. Fuck my brain, it's not working haha.

    It does :D

    Nope xD
    June 23rd, 2013 at 05:09am
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    And now I'm imagining little ovaries sat in cute little bomber jackets warming there toes on a fire that has somehow been made lmfao

    Most definitely. Snob
    I have a nine week old kitten called Bella Cute
    I sound a lot like this little fella - LOL
    Can always guarantee Final Fantasy music to make you cry. Waffle cat! OMGYES
    It makes the cutest sound when it blinks! So much lols!
    I've watched it so many times I'm in danger of becoming obsessed! XD Couldn't you switch them up a bit and, I don't know, make them purple or something? Lol
    Because his hair looks like a giant cock! lmfao

    It wins at life! Con

    Not even when I'm sat in my room like a loner singing it at the top of my voice lmfao
    June 21st, 2013 at 05:58pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    True....but they can always get warm again lmfao

    Good, kitties are far too darling to ever be harmed Snob
    iudthgoeurg Laughing my ass off. I know that feeling, we sound alike lmfao
    I like how they used Sephiroths music AND Tifa's theme XD This one is sad and awesome too!
    kerjbwigrb I love Avatar, even if it did force me to scrap a book I was writing because of character similarities between the Na'Vi and my Faelions XD
    Even when his hair looks like a giant cock on his forehead? lmfao

    There's so many things weird and impossible about that movie but no one cares, it's awesome lmfao

    Me neither :D
    June 21st, 2013 at 01:51pm
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    They could be in danger of getting frostbite there! XD

    Don't worry, no kitties were harmed in the process of me trying to sing! Lol
    LOLOL me too. I sound like a chain smoker if I try any of that. Love that song, his voice is so raspy and yummy! tehe
    OMGYES I love Nyan Cat!! Watch this >> quite sad, but still cute. Still a better love story than Twilight.
    *wipes away a stray tear* this song and movie and everything surrounding it is beautiful! Perfection
    Knees, bleurgh! Knobbly knees, just why? XD
    I love the hair style he has going on. I try to replicate it when I'm in the shower but my effort just makes me look like a conehead! LOL

    I love how he's almost always has a black eye and no one seems all that bothered about it! Also, the fact that the mother is a puppet who has magically produced children, but everyone's okay with that lmfao

    Never gonna stop! :D
    June 20th, 2013 at 08:22pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    They can go to Antarctica. No sunburn XD And i know right tehe

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Awww poor kitties OMG NO!
    Screamo hurts my throat and I just end up coughing up a lung and dying lmfao I love "Through the Glass." Such a beautiful song.
    Oh no!! Quickly, here, listen!!(<---makes my day. I'm addicted, it's so adorable and entertaining and amusing and so much cute!!! OMGYES) And now listen to this one and get all devo again Sad So beautifully sad
    Feet and knees. Knees are so weird XD
    I love how massive his eyes get when Bruce is holding the match XD

    He's like, the worst evil person ever and he's so creepy and gross but he's also awesome and a hilarious failure XD
    Maybe if you had of, he wouldn't have been evil!! XD

    Can't stop. Won't stop. XD
    June 20th, 2013 at 03:25pm
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    I think they should stay on vacation, 'cause him and Loki in the same sentence.. Happy face

    Me and Matt singing, we'd bring the house down with our amazing talent! People would weep with joy. Or simply wonder how many cats were being strangled lmfao
    I like to think myself and Corey Taylor would make a pretty damn awesome team. But in Stone Sour, not Slipknot. I can't do no screamo shit XD
    I pretty much out sing Dave Grohl, but he doesn't need to know that.
    Beautiful I'll just be over there, digging a hole and drowning in my own tears. Cry
    I'm with you there, I hate feet! Why invent feet? They're disgusting and smelly and just EW. Exactly, just get rid of them! Lol
    Spread it around sister! You don't need to keep it all to yourself. If I could sing like her just a little bit I'd be a happy bunny.

    "Freeze those knees my chickadees" lmfao he's ace!

    Omg he's the best character! I watched it this morning before work and I'm still laughing! When he tries to blow the horn into Lewis's ear but it fails and then he shakes it and does it in his own ear, oh man! lmfao

    "Mr Steak, my only friend" can I adopt him? XD

    No fucks were given. LOL
    June 11th, 2013 at 05:54pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    True, true, sunburned ovaries would not be pleasant.

    Him and Loki tehe

    uwrbhg yes. Agreed. I wish I could get to do a duet with Matt. I sing with him when I have them playing and we sound awesome together. I sound awesome with Brendon Urie too lmfao But it is not to be Sad
    I know right! I get teary whenever I listen to that In Love
    LOLOLOL I'm sure I don't want to tehe I have the ugliest hands. And Feet. Feet are gross. Ew. Just cut them off. No one needs feet Snob lol
    I know right. So jelly. It's so powerful and strong but then it can be so damned soft and just ugh, that bitch, hogging all the talent Grr
    Super Green! lmfao
    She really is.

    Now you must, you will understand. Goober is the best, he's fucking hilarious. "I'll turn him into a duck! But, well, ur, I don't know how to do that, and well, I don't really need a duck..." lmfao

    With the sound of music. Not even ashamed a little lmfao
    June 11th, 2013 at 06:53am
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    Wearing hats with little umbrellas attached, we don't need burnt ovaries. XD

    He is the best slut. Cute

    I like to mimic the facials expressions too, complete with arms flailing about lmfao
    Oh me too, me too! I love it when they use choirs in the background, sounds awesome! I really like the piano in Fiction too, so haunting.
    The piano music you used in the chapter of Scream where Brian proposes just.. beautiful! Oh my heart!
    You should see the state of my fingers! Okay, that sounded disgusting but yeah, I have the smallest baby hands! Can't do shit with them XD
    Oh god, her and Pavarotti is just perfection! She really can tell the best story with her voice alone. It's just amazing.
    Love that movie! Chris Tucker doing the Ruby Rap lmfao
    She's mesmerising!

    I have meet the Robinsons on DVD I've just never got around to watching it. I will be now!

    Creepiness is gone! *dances in a meadow with flowers in hair* "The hills are aliveeee" XDXD
    June 10th, 2013 at 05:30pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    Drinking drinks with little umbrellas in them. Those lucky bastards XD

    The slut tehe

    lmfao omg yes! That's pretty much exactly how it is xD
    I'm a massive fan of classical instrumentals, so when A7X has that kind of back up to their songs, I fangirl like crazy and just, yes, mixing my scenes tehe I love piano music too, especially the ones from Final Fantasy 7, they're so emotional and I wish I could create such perfection myself but like I've said, my fingers, lololololol.
    I love when she does duos, omg, her and Pavarotti, and her and the Bee Gees. My heart cannot take it! Such perfection. I'm jelly. I want her voice.
    Another good one to sing, is, have you ever seen the Bruce Willis movie "The Fifth Element"? When the Diva is on stage and starts singing. LOVES IT!!

    I love that movie. Meet the Robinsons is awesome xD

    You an be nice and buy baby clothes for the tot, but no creepy business haha
    June 10th, 2013 at 04:06am
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    I bet they're living a life of luxury somewhere, sunning themselves while we have empty wombs to deal with XD

    Oh, how he loved it! Haha

    "ahdashddh pizza aSDHAdhasd ice cream" Yeah that sounds about right. XD
    La Boheme, Madama Butterfly.. sigh, so good! What is a Youth has me in floods of tears! I'm a mess every single time.
    *bursts into song* "Cause I am your ladyyyyyyyyy!" She's just so epically amazing! I love when she sings Beauty and the Beast, my favourite Disney film in the whole world! I do like to sing that in the shower too tehe Now I want to sing!

    lmfao that first gif!

    But, but *sniffles* I can be nice too. Weird
    June 9th, 2013 at 07:07pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    Mine are dead and buried, or vacationing with yours lmfao

    tehe Brian the slut, he loved it XD

    I like to pretend I can sing in Italian or something, but I can't, so it's all made up lmfao If it's not opera, it's opera movies. Music of the Night and What is a Youth are two of my faves, though the second one always ends with me blubbering on the shower floor because it's so fucking tragically beautiful. Sad
    Ahh yes, love that song. Power of love is always a fave and I'm your lady. Anything by her really, they're all so powerful and empowering. She's one of the best singers in the world, seriously, and fuck anyone who thinks differently File

    But, but, but...

    Not with my newborn. You get handsome love child number one. He's grown up. I'm not letting a creep into my family Coffee lol
    June 9th, 2013 at 06:24pm
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    I have no ovaries left. They gave up and left me. lmfao

    How could I forget THAT!! I'm pretty sure it was at that point that my ovaries decided to up sticks and leave me. XD Like, "nope, this is too much, even for us!"

    Love me some opera! Con I like to think I sound amazing when giving my own rendition of 'Nessan Dorma' hahaha. I do like to throw in a Celine Dion every once in a while, keep the neighbours on their toes. My personal favourite has to be "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" I really give that one some welly! Shower head as my microphone the works! lmfao

    Make your fingers work faster! I have to see the goodness! (Really didn't mean for that to sound rude. XD)

    As long as I can be a 'special' kind of god mother. *wink wink* Lick
    June 9th, 2013 at 06:11pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    And that's the sound of my ovaries exploding lmfao

    Dude, my signature. Pretty sure it's Touch XD

    I'm more about opera...or Celina Dion tehe And I rock the fuck out of it Snob

    I have like, a bajillion Thorki fics stared on my comp but my hands can't even keep up with my mind. The demand is insane lmfao

    Psssh. I'm the only mommy, you can be an aunt or something, a god mother or whatever. Snob lmfao
    June 9th, 2013 at 05:29pm
  • @ xMandiblesx
    Yep, good old fashioned butt licking! XD

    @ Brian Haner Jr
    Oh look! There's my pants billowing in the wind XD

    Linkage!! XD I read one, 'Air' I think, where you hinted at it but no goods. I want the goods!

    OMGYES ME TOO!! I like to sing show tunes at the top of my voice, really pisses off the neighbours Con

    I need me an army of mini Thorki's to take over the world!

    He would be the most precious little boy. He would need two mummy's ya know, two dad's n all Whistle
    June 7th, 2013 at 05:53pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    Mine tootehe

    And I write that in my works Con

    Me too! And I sing in the shower, like all the time lmfao I'm an awesome singer Snob

    Psssh pets, yah right XD

    It'd be so awesome and mind blowing if he concurred and we had like, the cutest baby boy ever!! OMGYES

    @ xMandiblesx
    Yes, butt eating lmfao
    June 7th, 2013 at 11:52am
  • lol ok so I'm confused.....are they eating each other's butts out or? lol cause that would make the most sense out of what you two keep referring to LOL.
    June 5th, 2013 at 08:32pm
  • @ Brian Haner Jr
    My conscience went out the window a long time ago, along with my pants XD

    When they get their faces squished in there, wow. Yeah, anything from there on is just completely sadistic lmfao

    The shower is a good place too. I spend ages in there just staring at the wall, thinking about shit haha

    Yes! Churn more out, I need more pets File

    Oh god. LOL. Take it and give me your babies! lmfao
    June 5th, 2013 at 04:05pm
  • @ RachTheBat_
    tehe Not even sorry lololol.

    I am completely with you on that one. That's about as vanilla as I get with it lmfao

    It's where you go to sit and ponder XD

    ....le sigh. I guess I'm just going to have to have another love child Sorry like it's even a task tehe

    Psssh, if I'm having his baby, I want cock not a turkey baster. File Here, have my virginity, I offer it up in exchange for a child lmfao
    June 5th, 2013 at 09:49am