Changes Ahoy! - Comments

  • heywhatsuphello

    heywhatsuphello (100)

    United States
    I'm really sorry for everything that seems to be going on. But you're a tough cookie and I do believe that you got this. I mean lets be real, you're awesome. <3 And AP English isn't something to stress about. The work load sucks at times, but you're a good writer and you like to read so you shall be fine. Also it will prepare you for college, because most college classes are easier than AP classes. lol

    As for the questionsssss:

    1. Alright some quick tips to survive your senior year! (I bet i sounded like an article off of sparknotes right there. lol) Try o get your college stuff done as soon as possible! FAFSA? Get that stuff in early! Applications? Early! Buying all your stuff for graduation? Early, because if your school is like mine, they will hound you until you get it done. lol

    2. I really want to stop saying "ummmmmmmm" and saying curse words. but i know both of those are unlikely to happen.

    3. I love driving. I kinda have to because I have to drive most places. lol I have no car pull to depend on. Plus you get a sense of freedom and thats nice.

    4. Advice? Be yourself, because you're one of the greatest people i know and you deserve to be happy and not stress so much. <3
    June 7th, 2013 at 03:27pm
  • LostinTime

    LostinTime (200)

    United States
    Awe SiSi (honestly tell me if you don't like this nickname but I think it's cute haha), I'm sorry about all of this stuff that you're going through right now. It sounds tough!

    Do you have any advice for me as a soon-to-be senior that might help me out in any way?
    Don't procrastinate! I know it's hard to not do, but you're going to put yourself through a life worth of worrying in one year if you procrastinate on any advanced level classes. Also, ignore people the best you can if they bother you... this is your last year of high school and you want to enjoy it!

    Any habits you'd like to get rid of?
    Procrastinating, picking at my nails, scratching at my hair, ect haha.

    How do you feel about driving?
    Initially I hated driving with a passion (mostly because I ran into another guy's car my very first time driving to school!), but as I got better I learned to love it (especially when I can get away with going fast, though I wouldn't recommend doing that).

    Any advice you'd like to give me on any of the situations I've listed?
    My parents got a divorce when I was 5 years old, so I wouldn't know if it's different for teenagers rather than younger children. I know I got really upset for a few weeks or so, but I got over it. I guess you should just remember that it's their life and they're going to do whatever makes them happy.

    The ACT isn't really something you should stress about. Yes, it's important but you're allowed to retake it as many times as necessary to boost up your score. My highest was a 24 and I'm doing pretty alright, I even got a scholarship because of it. So basically, if you don't do good the first time just retake it until you're satisfied. I would recommend doing some practice problems if you haven't already to get a taste of what it will be like.

    Sorry for sounding like a self-help book! Embarassed
    June 2nd, 2013 at 07:05pm
  • The Real Mitt Romney

    The Real Mitt Romney (250)

    Hong Kong
    Do you have any advice for me as a soon-to-be senior that might help me out in any way? I wouldn't know I'm still in the 10th grade. But uh, have a good time and make sure you don't slack off. College is a year away, don't slack now!
    Any habits you'd like to get rid of? Yeah, I procrastinate a lot. It's horrible. mrgun
    How do you feel about driving? I do like it Lick I'm pretty good, not to be a cocky sob, but I'm pretty good.
    Any advice you'd like to give me on any of the situations I've listed? With what, the divorce thing? Ah, I can't give any advice on that because my parents are still together and all my close friends' parents are still together. Think

    Best of luck, though!
    June 2nd, 2013 at 03:51pm