A Blog About Blogs - Comments

  • CharmedLuna

    CharmedLuna (100)

    United States
    @ weird inside
    I never used the word stupid. I just don't want to have my entire My Mibba or whatever filled with blogs. I think I'll start with stop being friends with those people. It's nothing personal against them, but I'm not here for the blogs. I am here for the stories and poems. And I've used the blog to rant and vent. I never expect any kind of feedback because like you said writing is a great way to express how you truly feel. It's very therapeutic.
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:42am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    With all due respect, I'm pretty sure that most people writing blogs don't really care if you or anyone else care about what they're writing. They write for themselves, not for other people. If you don't like the subject of the blog or don't care about it, then simply don't read it. People are allowed to blog about anything they desire and however much they desire to daily. People are posting more blogs now because 'blog' is a more familiar word, users are more familiar with what a blog is all about than what a online journal is all about. Blogs are about freedom to post what you want when you want to. If someone wants to write a pointless blog, the more power to them. As long as it's not senseless spam to fill the word count, they can write about whatever their hearts desire. If something is more familiar people are going to gravitate towards it. That's what happened when we changed from journals to blogs.

    Really, there's just no reason to try and tell people to stop writing such and such if it falls under the rules. What may be interesting to you may be boring to others. What may be boring to you may be interesting to others. If something is boring to you, just click the back button and move to a different blog.

    I really don't get how you see the blog section as being more active than the stories. The story section is by far more active than the blogs. If anything, it is the most active section on this website. Dozens of stories get posted to Mibba every day and possibly up to a hundred new chapters are posted to Mibba every day. Honestly, it's probably 5 stories to every 1 blog that is created. The blogs aren't more active than the story section is. The blog section has just gotten more active since we switched over from journals.

    For me personally, I have an equal amount of blogs and stories on my My Mibba. But this is probably because I follow a lot of active bloggers and a lot of active writers (many of which do both blogging and writing). I think I may just see more story recommendations than blog recommendations. It's the people you're subscribed to. Who you're subscribed to is what you will see on your My Mibba. I am subscribed to bloggers, writers, and people who do both. So I see an equal amount of both. You might just be subscribed to people who have flown to being plain bloggers instead of being a blogger and writer.
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:30am
  • semolina

    semolina (150)

    United States
    @ CharmedLuna
    No, I'm not just going to ignore this because you're trying to tell other people what to do or make them feel stupid for they're doing, and that's not simply sharing an opinion. The blogging section was not created merely to facilitate other areas of the website, rather it may be used as a lone entity. They're called blogs, therefore they may be as diverse as real, actual blogs, which are about anything and everything, including, and perhaps even especially, personal struggles. It's not useless or trivial to write about your life or your daily troubles, and it doesn't matter if you care or not.
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:28am
  • Quiescent.

    Quiescent. (125)

    I can't even find myself writing many blogs because I can't come up with half the 'mindless' things people come up with on here. Now when I say mindless I don't really mean it as being offensive as it can sound, I only meant that a lot of stuff written on blogs is best left in their heads.

    Like a lot of twitter comments, we don't care what you had for lunch or what music you're listening to at the moment or why you're still awake so late at night. If you're awake with nothing to do, why is the computer the first thing you jump onto, can't you read a book or grab a drink of water instead?
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:28am
  • CharmedLuna

    CharmedLuna (100)

    United States
    @ weird inside
    Hold your horses, honey. All I'm saying it's okay to write about your problems and get opinions, but there are lot of pointless ones. I like that blogs are made to introduce new stories and authors. I like when someone wants to talk about something interesting. I do not care for some other things that are small. And yes I can say that I do not care because it's my opinion and it's just as important as yours. You do not care that I do not care? Cool. Ignore my blog and move on.
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:21am
  • semolina

    semolina (150)

    United States
    Um, excuse you. I highly doubt anyone cares if you care about their every day life. Writing is a healthy way to deal with your problems. Since when are you the authoritarian of what blogs can be about anyway? You really need to watch your mouth. Also, people posted blogs a lot more frequently than blogs are now posted.
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:09am
  • jason todd.

    jason todd. (305)

    Class of 2015
    This is the most true blog I've seen in a while.
    June 5th, 2013 at 06:09am