Can't a guy and a girl be just FRIENDS?!?! - Comments

  • It's crazy. I have plenty of male friends - I even have male friends I consider very attractive, but have no interest in a relationship with.
    June 7th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • I have four older brothers, and one sister, and I have always got on with my brothers better.
    I get on with guys, and their friends, and I'm always more comfortable around them than I am around females.
    It is possible to be honest friends.
    I have a good penpal whose a guy, and everyone always teases me about the nature of our relationship, and it angers me to think that people are so small minded.
    June 7th, 2013 at 07:37pm
  • Ah, don't listen to those people telling you that you can't just be friends with a guy. I get along better with guys than I do girls too, mainly, and I know people say this a lot, but there's no drama. I can hang out with my guy friends and we could just talk about anything and everything because they're all oblivious to all the BS, and if there was any drama all of them would just be like 'forget it' and just like that, they're goofing off again. The worst thing we have to worry about is what the heck we're gonna talk about at lunch.

    I agree with ninthsky, maybe it would be better if he came over to your house to hang out first.
    June 7th, 2013 at 06:50pm
  • I get along with guys pretty well, but I have no idea why. I only have one little brother, and the dudes I hang out with are nothing like him. I don't know how it is, but I always have more guy friends than girl friends. And, I'm not really one for romantic relationships easily, so most of the time we are just friends and nothing more. One of the people I am closest to on my campus is a dude. I think it's perfectly fine.

    I agree with ninthsky. My parents were and are pretty strict as well. You should bring the guy over so they get to know him better and are more relaxed around him.
    June 7th, 2013 at 06:18pm
  • Aw, I'm just like that! I have two older brothers, but my parents were never strict about who I hung out with. I spent most of my high school years hanging out with six guys in a basement... just gaming. Maybe it was because I'd known a couple of them since elementary school, but the habit never changed and I've always been in the company of guys ever since.

    You can be just friends with a guy, but I understand everyone's concerns. There's no guarantee that it might stay like that forever. Someone might develop feelings... or not. I ended up liking one of my guy friends so much that I decided to date him, even though before that we were strictly just friends. :|

    Maybe you can just bring him over to your house to hang out first?
    June 7th, 2013 at 05:52pm