Pro-choice vs Anti-choice [Abortion] - Comments

  • @ addesin
    I think it's very condescending to assume I'm not confident in having made the right choice and that is both insulting and offensive.
    June 8th, 2013 at 10:38am
  • @ addesin
    I didn't say you shouldn't apologise, I said you should phrase it differently. There's a big difference between saying "Sorry you got offended" and "sorry I offended you."
    June 8th, 2013 at 06:05am
  • @ little motorkitty;
    I'll ask you to hear me out one final time and then I will gladly bow out and leave you in peace. It's obvious that we disagree and I understand that so if you don't want to have a discussion, that is fine. I hope this doesn't come of as some sort of harassment or anything because that is not my intent but I just have a simple question: What exactly do you mean that I shouldn't say sorry, but then not three words later, that I should? I'm confused. I apologized for offending you, and I shouldn't do that, but I should? I'm not following. But I'll leave now. So again, even though I'm apparently not supposed to do this, I'm sorry that my words offended you.
    June 8th, 2013 at 06:00am
  • @ addesin
    First of all I would like to point out that in my opinion, you shouldn't be telling people "sorry that you got offended/insulted" you should apologise for offending/insulting them, especially as you have been incredibly shaming. And a fetus at six weeks looks like a frog-shrimp thing, science has proven it cannot think for itself so if it can't make decisions for it's body then guess what, I'm going to make decisions for my body and I refuse to accept that means I can be compared to murderer or rapists, because to me, frankly, that's horrible to do.

    Also your comment to TimeTurner is incredibly insulting. Just because you know people who have managed to have children that young doesn't mean everyone can. You probably know 19 year olds who can raise a kid fine, does that automatically assume that I can? No. Because I'm broke as fuck, my boyfriend lives with my parents and I'm so mentally ill that pregnancy would force me into suicide. But I guess that just means I don't have confidence in myself, right? No, it means that I, and no doubt TimeTurner is also the same, know myself enough to know what I can and cannot handle.

    And so what if abortion is selfish? Who are you to judge them for that? If you claim you've never once been selfish then I'd happily call you a liar. And your blog was theoretic as it's based in a world that does not and will not exist, therefore a theoretical world. I am based in the real world where some people cannot cope with having children so abortion is the best option.

    Abortion is not murder. Murder is ending a life. Abortion is preventing one. It's that simple. A zygote, a bundle of cells, a non-fully-grown life form that cannot function outside the womb. Not a person. I don't mind people having opinions but when an opinion is shaming people then it becomes a harmful opinion and that is what I will not have on my blogs. So I invite you to please refrain from commenting on this blog or any of my blogs actually as I do not wish to spend any more time discussing anything with somebody who will insult me, whether they realise that's what they are doing or not.
    June 8th, 2013 at 04:30am
  • @ TimeTurner
    Never once did I say that abortion is "as bad as" rape but it is my opinion that abortion is murder. You do not have to agree with me on that issue, though. Nor did I say that someone who has an abortion is "as bad as" a murderer or a rapist. As I stated at the beginning of the blog, all life matters and I do not believe that a murderer or a rapist should be considered less of a person, just as someone who has had an abortion shouldn't or a fetus in the womb shouldn't. I don't see people "as bad as" anyone else, but as good as everyone else.

    My blog was about the fact that all life- every person- matters and that by being pro-choice ("a person should have the right to make decisions about their own body"), that should include every life, and every person, thereby giving everyone a choice over their own body.

    I'm sorry you don't have the confidence in yourself to believe that you could have done right by that child in keeping it, but I have friends and know friends of friends who have had children at 14/15/16 and are still able to have a good life for them and their child- attending college, sending their child to school, providing for them. You don't know what would have happened until you try. I'm sorry you don't believe that, and I'm sorry that you were offended, but I'm not sorry for my opinion.
    @ little motorkitty;
    As far as how you were insulted, I'll just point you to my first two paragraphs in this comment. I do not find the person to be innately bad, but the action itself to be immoral. I do find taking someone's right to life selfish. That is my opinion, and I do not apologize for that. I do apologize that you were insulted, though.

    My blog wasn't so much "theoretic" but a philosophical stance on life and choices. It is how I choose to live my life (by having my choice and my control over my body and giving the same to every one else- and that does mean everyone) and I am proposing it more as a redefining of current terms of "pro-life" and "pro-choice." These are simply my opinions, which is what you invited readers of your blog to give.

    And finally (which sorry for addressing everything backwards) when I said my opinion was slightly different, I was only referring to you stance on pro-life having to be about more than going through with a pregnancy. Sorry for the confusion.
    June 8th, 2013 at 03:45am
  • @ addesin
    I read your blog and as someone who's had an abortion once I find it very offensive. I'm not as bad as a murderer or a rapist, thank you. I made a choice as a 14 year old who could not mentally, financially or in any other way care for a child. It wasn't about me, it was for the child. If I had brought a child into my life I would have ruined my life, yes, but I would also have ruined their life. I think it's grossly unfair to say that having an abortion is as bad as - or worse - than murder or rape. And that's exactly what your blog reads like.
    June 8th, 2013 at 02:07am
  • @ addesin
    Pressed submit too early so I'm just going to add this here.

    Shaming or forcing someone like me into keeping their child, when I would more than definetly end up suicidal and killing myself, I think that is more comparable to murder than an abortion would be. And the way you phrased that part of your blog is so insulting as someone who has experienced sexual abuse that me having an abortion would make me worse than those people or on the same level as them, and you have no idea how horrible it would make someone feel to say that to them. So no matter your opinion you should be very careful how you word it.
    June 8th, 2013 at 01:16am
  • @ park chanyeol
    Aw thanks, I would like it too tehe I think I would definetly be interested in adopting or fostering in the future because like I said in my blog, the system here is really messed up so there's a lot of kids in this country that need help, forget foreign kids, ya know. I think not wanting kids is enough of a reason for getting an abortion and if people judge you then that's their problem, not yours.

    @ addesin
    Your blog was interesting, but seeing as it was all set in this theoretical world it doesn't really fit in with my blog, which is talking about the decisions in real life, where rape, abuse, molestation and that kind of thing do happen. And I did have a problem with some parts of your blog so I think it disagrees with my opinion a lot, not slightly. Especially:
    "Pro-self is murdering, raping, and especially abortion. Pro-self is greed and selfishness point blank."
    To me this seems very shaming of people who have got/would get an abortion. It's totally insulting to me, as someone who would get an abortion today if I was pregnant, to compare it to murdering or raping somebody.
    June 8th, 2013 at 01:09am
  • I won't clog up your blog with my long rambling thoughts, but I'll link you to an old blog I made on this subject here. But, basically to sum it up, my ideas of "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are slightly different than society's (my idea of pro-life is closer to yours I believe, though slightly different). If you want to know my opinion on the matter, there it is, but you don't have to read it because it's rather lengthy, extends past abortion, and disagrees with your opinion on the matter slightly.
    June 8th, 2013 at 12:40am
  • If this was Facebook, I would like this blog a million times.

    I personally never want to birth children of my own. Like ever. I may adopt one day, but I can never see myself carrying a child. One reason is because things such as ADD/ADHD, autism and a plethora of heart problems run in my family. My little brother and sister are both autistic and I have had to help raise them since I was around eight and it has been so tough, even if my mom is there as much, well more, for them than I am. I would never be able to raise an autistic child myself because I know how hard it is with children who aren't even mine and I just wouldn't be able to do it. My little brother can't talk and I can see just how frustrated it makes him everyday and it breaks my heart. I don't want my child to ever have to go through that.
    Another reason? Well, to be completely selfish, I just don't want to. I don't want to get any bigger than I am, I don't want morning sickness or the back aches or the constant peeing and most of all, I don't want the pain of childbirth. The cramps I get on my period literally make me feel like dying would be the best option and yeah, I know not everyone has a painful time giving birth, but I don't want to chance it. I have a -3456768786 level pain tolerance and I literally would just not be physically capable of going through all of that. My reasons are probably selfish, but again, I don't care.

    I mean, maybe one day I'll meet a woman or man who does want kids, but we will have to discuss it in depth together. For now, I can definitely say I don't ever plan on having kids, at least not ones that are birthed by me.
    June 8th, 2013 at 12:24am
  • @ dru is on fire.
    Yes, how dare you have sex while in a relationship with somebody and taking precautions. Obviously if you get pregnant it's all your fault and you're a whore File
    June 8th, 2013 at 12:00am
  • I desperately want children, but would abort for all the reasons you said if I were to get pregnant today. I'm on the pill and I have sex with my boyfriend. Such a slut.
    June 7th, 2013 at 11:55pm
  • @ indigo.
    I've heard arguements similar to that too, even ones about pregnancy caused by rape (some which are incredibly triggering so I'm not going to re-post) and they're always ridiciulous. It doesn't matter how promiscuous you are or how you got in that situation, you shouldn't be denied the right to choose.
    June 7th, 2013 at 11:19pm
  • My opinions are pro-choice and contradict greatly what I learn, love and believe in as a Christian. I've heard in passing the statement that women who had abortions should never have been stupid enough to put themselves in that situation anyway, or that they've been sexually promiscuous etc. I think abortion is simply a woman's right to choose. To choose herself, her body, her mind, her future. As a woman, I want that option for myself but alas I do not have it.
    June 7th, 2013 at 11:15pm
  • @ I feel insane
    It is anti-choice because people who are against abortion do not want to give women* the choice to recieve one. I'm not talking about people who want to keep their own baby or don't want an abortion for themselves, I'm talking about people who want to take away all women's* choice to have one for themselves. That's why they are anti-choice.
    June 7th, 2013 at 11:07pm
  • The way you see the word "pro-life" makes sense, and I agree with the way you define it; however I strongly disagree with calling it "anti-choice". Keeping a baby or not supporting abortion is as much of a choice as it is to support or to have an abortion; they're just opposite sides of the coin. I think PoeticMess's definition of "pro-birth" is a better term to use in the abortion debate, in my opinion.

    Anyways, I consider myself to be on the fence because I have strong issues against both arguments, but at the same time, I very much agree with certain points that both arguments offer.
    June 7th, 2013 at 10:57pm
  • @ TimeTurner
    That's completely understandable. Sometimes an abortion really is the best decision. Sorry about what you went through Arms

    @ IrialOfTheDarkCourt.
    Of course, it would be nice if it was that simple for all cases but unfortunately like I mentioned in my blog in some places the foster/adoption system is not good and of course there are people who are too young or might be kicked out by their family if they found out. I mean, obviously not everyone has to rush out and get an abortion just because the option is there, but I think it's really important that the option is there. And of course your opinion is valid, no matter what so don't worry about that by the by
    June 7th, 2013 at 10:48pm
  • I think I was Anti-Choice when I was younger because I just thought, "Why are you going to kill an innocent child?" But as I've grown up, I think I've shifted to Pro-Choice because everyone really should have the ability to make their own decisions. Though, I'd still really love it if people decided to keep their babies and maybe give them up for adoption or something. Shifty
    Just my own opinion, though.
    June 7th, 2013 at 10:34pm
  • I agree with this blog. I had an abortion at 14 and my life would have ended if I'd been forced to carry it to term. My life was a lot messier then. Now I'm engaged and he has a steady job and if I got pregnant it wouldn't be a disaster, and even now we don't want it. Not right now. At 14 it would have been a terrible mistake of me to carry to term.
    June 7th, 2013 at 10:21pm
  • @ PoeticMess.
    I'm the same with guys. My brother is anti-choice and always makes the stupid joke of "It's not the abortion I disagree with, but the fact women get to make decisions." urgh. And I mean, when people talk about "Oh but guys don't get a say" I always feel like pointing out that nearly all the government who decide on matters towards birth control/abortions are men.

    Also, regarding birth control, I don't know about in the states but when I went on the Pill a couple years back all you need to say to them is that you want to start, either for your skin or to have safer sex, and they'll decide what type of Pill is best for you. In the UK at least, it's not invasive at all and you can even request a specific female nurse if you'd prefer just to discuss the options.
    June 7th, 2013 at 10:14pm