No, I don't want to hear it. - Comments

  • I know your not checking your comments, but I want to let you know I'm so sorry for your kittens. I'm an huge cat lover and most of my kittens are outside. Why? It's too stressful for the stray mother cats to be kept inside. I've had stray mother cats go ballistic and wouldn't feed her kittens because of it. It's NOT irresponsible. And it was incredibly rude for someone to say that, especially since they died.

    To tell you the truth, I would have killed that dog. I don't give a shit about "it's a poor defenseless animal". That "defenseless" animal is snarling at me and killed my cat. I would beat the living shit out of it. I'm sorry, but I would. It's not innocent, it's knowingly killing cats and attacking people. It's unsafe for everyone in general.

    The thing is, I'm huge on animal rights. But hitting a dog in self defense is NOT animal abuse. Animal abuse is when a creature is hit, slapped, kicked, punched..ect for no reason but for ones own entertainment or a ventilation of anger and or stress. Same with children. If a kid is coming at me with a knife and I protect myself, that's not child abuse. I was protecting myself.

    As I see it, cats are people to me. They all have feelings and emotions and are full with personalities. So if a dog savagely kills one of them, for fun, I'm going to hit it back. Now if they said dog started snarling at me, I would hit it twice as hard. It's not animal abuse if you are protecting yourself or others. And no that doesn't give anyone a right to go shooting animals for the heck of it.

    I have three dogs of my own. Never hit them, ever. I popped one a few times because he keeps snapping at my cat. But I never actually hit an animal before. I can't imagine seeing a dog with my kitten in its mouth. I might go crazy. I love all my cats, and my dogs. Ill protect all of them.
    June 9th, 2013 at 06:06pm
  • Your boyfriends mother did the right thing. If a dog, rabid or not, had killed kittens of mine, stand from fucking under. The irresponsible one isn't your boyfriends mother but the owners of the bloody dog that got loose. If people can't chain their dogs up or keep them secure in their own yards, they shouldn't have them, and if they do, they should be charged for the animal getting loose and killing other animals.

    I am so sick of hearing about dogs mauling people and killing cats and nothing being done about it. I live in a state where cat's are looked down on and if one gets killed or abused, no one gives a shit. If a litter of kittens is fed to someones fighter dog, no one gives a shit. If a litter of kittens is bought and used as live bait for crab fishing, no one cares, but if someone defends themselves against an attacking dog, you better be ready for a fucking fine and a mob at your front door.

    I'm not saying all dogs are bad, and some of the time, it's not the dogs, it's the owners, but for the love of the gods, take some bloody responsibility people. Cat's aren't "lesser" animals. Look it all up, cat's weren't just worshiped by the Ancient Egyptians, they were worshiped by Christians(before they got all "cats are the devils creatures" and started burning innocent women at the stake) and are considered the highest of high creatures in Islam. The 'M' on a tabbies face is surrounded with worshiping history. Siamese are considered 'rich' and are a 'symbol' of wealth because of the tarnish on the backs of their necks given to them by the hand of Midas. They were the only thing he could touch that wouldn't turn completely to gold. Cat's, in general, for centuries, have been worshiped and adored; dogs have not(and in a lot of religions, dogs are actually considered lowly and an unworthy beast-According to Islam and Muhammad.) I'm ranting, sorry, excuse me.

    I have rambled WAY too much here but I'm just as pissed off as you. Probably for different reasons, probably for the same ones. I'm also incredibly tired, lack of sleep for ages Facepalm
    But you should just ignore the haters and know that you and yours did the right thing. And I'm so sorry to hear about your kittens, strays or outside cats or not, they were still yours and every loss hurts.
    June 9th, 2013 at 05:48pm