My feelings about real-person fanfiction... from a person in a fandom that frowns upon it. - Comments

  • FrankJScott

    FrankJScott (100)

    United Kingdom
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    September 29th, 2023 at 05:51am
  • HerMajestyYoungblood

    HerMajestyYoungblood (100)

    United States
    I BOW TO YOU. EVERYONE BOW. This makes TOTAL sense! I agree 1,000,000,000%. But I think that there is a fine line about writing. But that depends on whos writing and what they're writing about. Oh, decisions decisions. But yes, this makes things alot easier, to actually understand what I'm writing now, so thank you for posting this! :D

    Saavi Youngblood
    January 4th, 2014 at 01:00am
  • UnbreakMe;UnchainMe

    UnbreakMe;UnchainMe (100)

    United States
    You're one of the few people who sees fan-fiction as I do. I totally agree with this on so many levels. It's not real and people shouldn't react like it is. It's something that as people or even as writers we do to pass the time. And if people don't like that the red X is at the top right hand corner. (Or left in some cases).
    December 31st, 2013 at 06:21pm
  • Fuck You Mibba!

    Fuck You Mibba! (135)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    It makes completely sense and I definitely agree with you. That's how I write the characters from my fan-fiction as well.
    December 31st, 2013 at 02:25pm
  • Moulin

    Moulin (100)

    United States
    I'm with you on that, the other day my best friend was shaming fanfiction writers because of a few specific stories that made him upset. He had heard a person that he really admired talking about how he hated how people used his real name in fanfiction and how people should really understand that he was right there. And the other day I read three fanfiction that were just so disturbing that I almost threw up. I feel that people shouldn't assume they know everything about a person, and if they want to write fanfiction then they shouldn't put their character through something horrible, or make them do something just purely inhumane...But everyone should be able to write it. I write fanfiction but, I try to be careful with my characters because I remember, oh yeah they actually are there, they are real people. I should be considerate of their feelings. I thought this was really great by the way :D
    July 14th, 2013 at 01:02am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    It happens in every fandom.

    The fandom I most like to write for... their official forum has a fanfic section so no one on there can tell us to stop XD I like to think the band secretly read all the kinky entries. Hahaha
    June 9th, 2013 at 09:00pm
  • Carden.

    Carden. (100)

    United States
    @ Join the Masquerade
    Well, I'm talking about both! People in the fandom as well as the people being written about. If the people being written about were to say "Stop", I would absolutely stop. But until then, the people in the fandom who don't like it shouldn't shame the people who do it. I don't really care what they think about it, I just see them (in my particular fandom) shaming people and it makes me sad.
    June 9th, 2013 at 08:52pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I know what you mean. It's easy to separate the real person from the one you're writing about but I think it's harder for others to see that.

    Oh wait wait, you're talking about people in the fandom as FANS that are dissing the fanfic? It's none of their business. Write what the hell you want :)
    June 9th, 2013 at 08:47pm
  • Carden.

    Carden. (100)

    United States
    I didn't even mention what my current fandom is because I'm so scared that the wrong person will find out that I write fanfiction for it (okay, I'll admit it, my fandom is terrifying.) But since it's not a popular one for fanfiction, it just fuels my worries that people will misinterpret my intentions.

    @ dru is on fire.
    It's good that you weren't embarrassed! I think I would be just because I'm embarrassed by everything. But at the same time, they have a lot of fic written about them and they clearly know it, so that makes it maybe a little better? Haha, I don't know. The thing that worries me is that the people who I'm writing about actually do know who I am, like, personally (well, personally is a strong word. They've seen me, they recognize me, we've had conversations, etc.) which is why I would be very embarrassed if they happened to stumble upon it. But I'm generally a paranoid person who cares way too much about what people think of me so that's definitely a factor there.

    I think all writing is great regardless of who is being written about because writing is great! Being creative is great! Having some type of outlet is great! I just wish everybody felt the same way!

    @ Join the Masquerade
    I haven't read or written MCR fic in years so I'm a little bit out of the loop with it all, but I agree to an extent with what you're saying. My whole thing is that when I'm writing, I'm not thinking of them as real people at all. And I don't know how many other people write that way, or if I'm literally the only one (which is very unlikely.) When people read it, they might be thinking of the real person, but that's out of my control. And of course the people involved probably won't go looking for it (unless they have some weird curiosity idk what these famous people do in their spare time) SPEAKING FOR MYSELF, if I ever found fanfiction written about me, I would be SO FLATTERED. If it was about me fucking my best friend I would be like "Well, okay, I see how people would assume that." If it was about me fucking my sibling, I'd be like ".......Oh." But I'm not gonna judge what people like to write -- and that's my main issue. People in the fandom shaming the people who DO like to write fic. Of course there are things that I find...a little more strange... than other things, but my whole thing is like, do what you like, just try your hardest to keep it away from the people it's about? Idk. Idk if any of this makes any sense at all.
    June 9th, 2013 at 08:00pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    They are characters based on people. Inspired by, created by, shaped by, but they are our understanding of the human being interpreted into a character. I've written MCR and PATD, too.

    Also, the Panic boys know about a fic of mine and Alex from All Time Low mentioned a fic of mine in an interview. Oddly, I wasn't embarrassed. XD

    I think fan fiction is great and so is original fiction and so is real person fan fiction. After all, there is real person fan fiction published as original fiction so there's a literary precedent for it. (How many books exist speculating about Marilyn Monroe or JFK or Alice Liddell or Abraham Lincoln: Vampier Hunter?)
    June 9th, 2013 at 07:25pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I also write MCR fan fiction and have been aware for a long time they they hate the idea of it.

    I don't think it even matters if you feel you're writing about someone half-fictional, in the sense that you don't really know these people and you're just filling in the blanks. It's still pretty weird to write about someone like that. And I'm not telling you that you're a disgusting person, not at ALL. I do the same thing haha.

    But it IS weird. Though I think it's totally fine. As long as you're not mailing it to Gerard's P.O. box then I don't see a problem with it. They're not going to go looking for it. They're not going to accidentally come across it in a place they wouldn't expect to find either a. fan fiction or b. weird stuff about them. I think they'd avoid these spaces on purpose. As far as I'm aware, their forums and official spaces have nothing to do with fan fiction. It's not on there. It's not welcomed. It won't be accidentally bumped into by them or their family and friends. It has to be searched for.

    So meh. I'm sure Ray said once that he was happy people were being creative and writing, but that we need to "stop making [them] have sex with each other!!" haha.

    I kind of like to draw the line at Waycest, or anything that heads down that path, because that, I find weird. It's something that people OUTSIDE the fandom talk about and it has spread to other places where it might be known to the band or people they know that it's being written. And it's not something I'd like them to know was written. I've no problem with people exploring their creative mind but it would make ME uncomfortable if I was being depicted as someone in a relationship with a relative. That can hurt and confuse other people.
    June 9th, 2013 at 07:06pm