lonely nights by the laptop. - Comments

  • Ah. My pick-me-up button is broken. That is just so incredibly sad. I'm sorry. That must really suck. I've never been in love with any of my friends (I can't even say best friend because I haven't had a best friend since elementary school) but I imagine it has to be just heart wrenching. I'm so so sorry. Arms

    I hope you find someone, I really do. Everybody deserves to find love.

    But hey, I'm alone with my laptop, right now, too. Shifty Though... mine is more of a self-inflicted loneliness. I'm just afraid of that whole love business so I keep to myself. I feel you on wanting to find that person that you can rely on, though. Everybody wants, that I think, so it's perfectly okay to have those feelings.

    Just don't think that you're less because you haven't reached fulfillment yet. You're just as beautiful and special and wonderful as every other girl out there. You are perfectly worthy of being loved just like every one else so don't tell yourself otherwise!

    I usually have better words for stuff like this but today I seem to be lacking... If you ever want to talk, just send me a message and you can say whatever you need and I'll listen. I'm super sorry that you're feeling this way, but I promise, if you let it get better, it will get better. Just give it time.

    Now, I awkwardly leave because we've never even spoken before.

    June 12th, 2013 at 09:46am
  • *hugs* Heres to being forever in the friend zone and feeling forever alone, I know how you feel. :( If you ever need someone to talk to, even to just vent to, my inbox is always open.

    But the odds are, if he's a great guy like you say he is, he's not going to let this get between the two of you. You two are too close for that to happen.
    June 12th, 2013 at 07:33am
  • Also, if you ever want someone to talk to I am always here. :)
    June 12th, 2013 at 06:56am
  • In all honestly, I can't say that I have ever felt my heart broken, but I have seen and it is just heart-wrenching. No one should ever go through that but its life and you learn from mistakes and move on. Yeah, you probably heard that many times but it is best to keep moving on in life and striving to better yourself. You should not beat yourself up over it because you are only hurting yourself and no one else.

    I'm not very good with comforting people, but I did want you to know even though you might feel alone in the world, you are not. Everyday of my life I feel alone and I really don't know how I keep going but I do. Yeah I could say it would get better yet I honestly don't know if that will ever be true.

    Not too sure if my words helped but I just hope that you continue to carry on.
    June 12th, 2013 at 06:55am