I Don't Support Feminism: Not A Bash Blog, Here Me Out. - Comments

  • I want to point out that there are thousands of hushed-up cases of sexual abuse on Boy Scouts alone, not to mention rape cases, and sexual abuse cases shot down, and shut up by the Catholic church.
    All crimes against young men.
    Also, men and boys don't have the level of support in rape cases that women and girls have; a man who is raped is shamed for being weak, gay, or secretly wanting it. It's so shameful most men don't contact authorities, don't seek help, and suffer alone.
    This is why fighting for equal rights is important, so that one side doesn't alienate the other when fighting for their rights.
    June 13th, 2013 at 08:49pm
  • Male privilege. You make it sound like I should feel bad for being born with a dick. What happened to that girl was messed up. Who are these adults that advocated it? Other than the community members who tried to cover it up I'm yet to hear of anyone who didn't abhor how it was handled.

    I have to go to work. I don't have time to get right into this but I'd like to later. It's an interesting debate.
    June 13th, 2013 at 01:37am
  • @ The Zac
    If you have daughters or nieces or any woman you care about in your life, it does matter to you.

    What public? I've heard adults tell me the Steubenville girl deserved what she got. The fact that the guy who released the photos that got the rapists "in trouble" is possibly going to get more time than the rapists just shows that no one is taking it seriously.

    Men face some body image issues, yes, but NO WHERE NEAR where women do. Girls are taught from a young age the most important asset they have is their looks and most have dieted by fourth grade. Those statistics do not hold true for men.

    Again, as I said, it's very easy for someone with male privilege to say gender isn't an issue. Please be aware of your privilege. It doesn't seem you are right now.
    June 13th, 2013 at 01:15am
  • @ TimeTurner
    Things are much better than they were years ago. And they'll keep getting better. Humanity is very progressive as of late. I understand the issues, I just don't have the same passion because I have my own shit going on in my own life, I don't have the time to fight someone else's fight. Especially a fight as huge as the whole equality thing.
    June 13th, 2013 at 01:10am
  • @ TimeTurner
    I don't think it's fair to say that men are not aware of the issues of being a woman. Just because they have not experienced them, it does not mean they can't understand them and be aware of them.
    June 13th, 2013 at 01:08am
  • @ dru's not growing up
    Men face body image problems and rape as well you know. I'm heavily into bodybuilding so my physical image is very important to me. But other than that, the things you listed are not accepted by the general public. Especially the football players raping that girl. Did you see the backlash that community got for the way they dicked that up?

    Look I care about equality, but I see far too many feminists pushing the wrong reasons. You seem to care about the right things which is good. I'm just bombarded by the few and it's discouraging. Plus it's really not my fight. Sure that makes me seem selfish or whatever but at the end of the day it's hard for people to be passionate about something that isn't a major part of their lives.
    June 13th, 2013 at 01:08am
  • @ The Zac
    You can't take women fighting for their rights seriously because of a few? That's pretty sad to me. If you can't take the fight seriously because of a few, that seems to be your problem. Most feminists aren't femi "nazis".

    Also, it's quite easy for a privileged male to send gender equality isn't important in the West. You don't need to worry about the government invading your body, the fact that law enforcement constantly sexual assaults you, the fact that you don't have a 1 in 3 chance of being sexually assaulted, the fact that no one blames you for your rape and excuse the rapists because they are football players, the fact that your clothing choices don't dictate how worthy of a person you are, the fact that most men don't start dieting at the age of 8 to fit a weight model forced down their throats.

    Yeah, women have no problems in the West.
    June 13th, 2013 at 01:00am
  • @ The Zac
    As a man I'm sure you're not aware of how big an issue it is to be a woman. You're excused.
    June 13th, 2013 at 12:31am
  • @ TimeTurner
    I think racism is a much bigger issue than gender equality in the western world. What on earth is an extreme anti racist anyway? In terms of just the cause I'm much more likely to care about racism than feminism. Bad example mate.
    June 13th, 2013 at 12:18am
  • Although I support Feminism, I do have to agree with a lot of your points here.
    June 12th, 2013 at 11:01pm
  • Not all feminists are like that. Yes, there are some extremists who belittle men, but you shouldn't pin us all like that because we're not all like that. Every group has extremists. A group having extremists doesn't mean the entire group. Feminism has extremist people just like every other group, but most of us aren't like that. So please don't judge us so harshly like that.

    Feminism is not at all about belittling men, and it's a bit of a shame some people think that it is. What feminism is about and what feminists fight for is equality for women and better treatment for women. Let's face it, we still live in a very patriarchal and sexist society. Women have less rights and equality than men have. Men generally get a higher pay than women. Men generally don't have to worry about getting raped and then being told they were "asking for it" or "deserved" it. Men generally don't get called sluts or other degrading names for being sexually active. While we've made great strides in women's rights, women are still looked down upon and degraded on our society. That is what feminism fights to stop. Real feminists don't belittle men, only the extremists do. What we're fighting for is equality and better treatment in general for women.
    June 12th, 2013 at 10:48pm
  • @ The Zac
    That's like saying you're not against racism just because there are anti-racist activists that go to far. Be against the extremist instead of the entire cause.
    June 12th, 2013 at 10:45pm
  • That was perfect. You're awesome. As a man I'd like to be sympathetic and even helpful to the cause but I just can't take it seriously when you have the real extreme "feminazi" types who use feminism as a guise to slander all men. For some of these people, the second any man does something wrong it's considered an offence by all men. The actions of an individual are not a reflection of an entire gender.
    June 12th, 2013 at 10:29pm
  • Even though feminism gets a bad reputation on occasion for the minority of misandrists, which shouldn't be confused with feminism at all, feminism is the fight for women to become equals to men. You support the equality of women, so you are therefore a feminist in the grand scheme of things. As timeturner said, men do not need to fight for these rights because they already have them. Most men have always had them.
    June 12th, 2013 at 09:45pm
  • @ dru's not growing up
    I agree completely that it needs to exist for the same reasons that have been discussed here.
    I just meant that a lot of the people I've encountered that object to or find issue with feminism think it means something completely different to what I think it means.
    June 12th, 2013 at 08:52pm
  • @ Queen Obscene
    When people have legit reasons for not wanting to be called a feminist (which often happens), I totally understand. A lot of people prefer to identify as equalists because the feminist movement has had major issues in the past.

    However, the idea that the movement doesn't need to exist I find major fault with. There may be problems with the movement, but it has a reason for existing and needs to continue to do lest all of these issues are hushed and swept under the rug.
    June 12th, 2013 at 08:47pm
  • I find a big problem that feminism encounters is that it's interpreted in so many different ways by so different people, so the message seems to get lost a lot.
    June 12th, 2013 at 08:44pm
  • This is a blog I wrote about why feminism and equalism are not the same thing.

    Additionally, I disagree with your original viewpoint. As long as you look at each individual subject individually, then people should have whatever viewpoint they have. To tell someone not to have a viewpoint is pretty ridiculous as long as they've throught it through and don't just go with everything liberal or everything conservative without thinking.
    June 12th, 2013 at 08:42pm
  • We call it feminism because men don't need this kind of fight to get the rights they have: they already have them simply by being men. If women were treated as equals and got those rights there'd be no need for women to fight for it. Feminism isn't just about equal pay for the same amount of work, but also things like women not getting blamed anymore for being raped. And they do get blamed. Much too often the argument is that "they asked for it", because they walked home at night or wore a short skirt. Men who get raped - and there are men who get raped, too - don't always find justice either, but that number is vastly in minority in comparison to the women who get raped. And blamed. And they get blamed because they are women. That's why it's called feminism, because although we should be measured as human beings, and get respect, rights and equality according to that we do not.

    And these issues we do face because we are women and because we have vaginas. Thus: feminism.
    June 12th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • Feminism is different because it applies to female/vagina specific issues such as rape culture and slut-shaming. Those do not apply to men and have nothing to do with leveling the playing field.

    People who think feminism doesn't need to exist generally have no idea what feminism is about, which your blog seems to display.
    June 12th, 2013 at 08:38pm