Girl Talk (This May Go into NC-17 Territory...) - Comments

  • @ LadyxXxShadows
    lmfao LMAO! That's probably it, huh? I always wondered if it had something to do with the tampon but then I'm like... Nah, the tampons too tiny... Shifty I just don't understand why my lady parts can't wait until after my periods over. Like, nothing is a bigger turn off than blood...

    Unless your one of those freaky vampire people. Then I bet you love girls on their period... Shocked
    @ psychotic secrets;
    Woah. That's crazy. Why does that happen? Do you know? That would scare the shit out of me, to be honest. Don
    @ Selina_Kyle
    Haha, oh yeah, I PMS BAAAD those couple of days before my period, but I actually calm down significantly once it actually starts. Like my family can totally tell when my period is coming. lmfao It's eerie.
    June 13th, 2013 at 05:31am
  • Hahaha. I'm sorry you are in pain dear lol but I applaud you for posting this! I get so horny on my period too. I think it's like the added natural lubricant like....makes all my sensitive lady parts slide together and it's like...ahhhh now I need to fuck stuff lmao.
    June 13th, 2013 at 05:03am
  • @ addesin
    Haha take a step back lol hopefully the lightening bolt will miss xD holy crap when I'm on mine my guy friends stay clear I walked into class once and was like "NOBODY BOTHER ME I'M ON MY PERIOD IF YOU BOTHER ME I'LL BLEED ON YOU!" Haha needless to say no one bothered me not even the teacher xD
    June 13th, 2013 at 05:03am
  • Well I might not get cramps but I'm ON my period for most of the year. I have female problems and I bleed for months at the time. Luckily I have no side effects. No cramps, pains, hunger, nothing. Just blood.
    June 13th, 2013 at 05:02am
  • @ Selina_Kyle
    Haha, I know!! WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN, GOD??!! (Am I going to get struck by lightning soon? tehe ) Gah, I hate my period so much!!!!!!!! (Can I just put, like, a million exclamation points on the end of that?) Crazy
    June 13th, 2013 at 05:00am
  • @ Usako
    Haha, cool! Thanks. Cheese I love learning weird new stuff like that. XD

    No, seriously. Teach me more, sensei! Weird
    @ dru's not growing up
    Mer! I wanna be on the pill but I'm too lazy to actually get and plus, I know that if I started it I would be dumb and constantly forget to take it. I'm a total airhead when it comes to stuff like that. But I really want to get on it. Not because of pregnancy or anything (though that's an added bonus) or anything but because certain ones are supposed to regulate your cycle or stop it all together (like you have apparently) and I really want that because my cycle is FUCK UP. Cry
    @ psychotic secrets;
    YOU SUCK! That is all File Jk. But seriously, though, you're super lucky. Cry
    @ mollymoshpit;
    Oh my god, I know. Like, I only get cramps the first day or two of my period but I get these random aches in my vagina for no apparent reason all the time. Like, not so much my actual vagina. But the outer area like the bottom of my pelvic bone to my pussy lips and shit.. Don Why do you hate me, vagina?!?! WHY???
    June 13th, 2013 at 04:58am
  • He had to be some real twisted sick guy in order to give us girls periods -_- ugh I hate when I'm on that time of the month!
    June 13th, 2013 at 04:53am
  • I can honestly tell you I relate to everything you just said. Especially With the whole "my vag hurts for no reason" I wake up and it just hurts SOOOOOOOOOOO bad. It does that when I'm not on my period too sometimes and it freaks me our cause I've NEVER had sex. Ugh fuck our lives.
    June 13th, 2013 at 04:06am
  • Oh that sucks. I never gets cramps. Like I never have. Ever. Shifty
    June 13th, 2013 at 03:55am
  • I take the pill continuously and I don't get a period. ^_^
    June 13th, 2013 at 03:52am
  • The reason your pelvic muscles hurt (lower back and even thighs) is because of your uterus being a smooth muscle. The way a smooth muscle is set up leads to this sort of vague and all over soreness instead of those usual "oh I pulled a leg muscle" cramp where it's more direct. The more you know.
    June 13th, 2013 at 03:46am