☑ Forgive and Forget ☒ - Comments

  • IceCoolFashion

    IceCoolFashion (135)

    United States
    @ Death The Angel
    I see what the problem is. When people say how someones writing skills (or anything) is terrible, then they are using that to boost themself up. You tell her how great her writing is, she probably lacks confidence so telling people how bad you are at it, helps her feel better about herself. She probably only said those things so she would get more confidence in her writing. But sometimes it's okay to get angry like that, not everyone can keep stress and anger bottled up inside. But when you forgave her, it means you set yourself free to forget what she did. :) Well done.
    June 18th, 2013 at 01:27pm
  • Jordypye

    Jordypye (1400)

    New Zealand
    I remember finding out that my best friend at the time had backstabbed me and told my boyfriend how shitty I was at creative writing. My boyfriend was such a jerk about it as well and instead of sticking up for me he agreed with her. I remember seeing the messages between those two and feeling like I've been stabbed in the heart. Especially because at the same time she spoke shit about my writing I was encouraging her writing and telling her how amazing her work is. She never found out that I knew she had done that to me and instead of turning it into a fight I just got mad for a split second, punched a hole in a wall (by accident) and forgave and forgot. The only one who saw how upset I got about it was my boyfriend.
    June 18th, 2013 at 06:30am