Upset and Could Use Some Help... - Comments

  • thatscalledyes

    thatscalledyes (100)

    United States
    I'm going to our local community college here next year and I already scheduled my classes. What I did was I went to the college and they helped me there. I met with a first year counselor and we sat down together and went over what classes would be best for me to take. So, since I'm majoring in dance/theater, we decided that I would take English 101 honors, Study of Math and then Modern 1 and Middle Eastern Dance. Can you call administration at the college and ask if you can go in and speak with someone about scheduling classes? I know that even my friends who are going to state and private colleges went to an orientation and scheduled classes there. I think calling the school or stopping by is your best bet as of right now. Unless you have to schedule online. Then, I'm out of answers for you. Good luck and message me if you need any more help! :)
    June 29th, 2013 at 05:20am
  • Hateful.Misery

    Hateful.Misery (100)

    I know exactly what you're feeling right now....went through the exact same thing this time last year.
    I'd try to help but I go to college in Ireland so it's probably a bit different. The things you're looking for a probably in a really obvious,but dumb place.

    hopefully you get it fixed quickly and good luck in college this year (:
    June 24th, 2013 at 08:27am